How you handle quarantine and social distancing

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INFJs are often used to being isolated, as they do need and enjoy plenty of alone time. For the INFJ it is about having time to recharge and feel more like themselves once again. The most appealing thing about quarantine is the fact that they don’t have to feel guilty or make excuses when they just need to distance themselves from social situations. This gives them a sense of peace and freedom, which can definitely be something the INFJ is happy about at first. While they can certainly find ways to keep themselves busy and distracted during their quarantine, INFJs likely aren’t just taking this time as if it is a breeze. They are worriers by nature, and are likely to be overthinking every little detail about the state of the world. INFJs care about others and what they are going through, which makes the situation rather challenging for them. They might be able to find ways to cope with social distancing by simply chatting with friends and keeping tabs on them, but that doesn’t calm their worrying minds.

For the ENFJ personality it is often very difficult to deal with quarantine and social distancing. They are doers, who constantly have a long list of chores and goals they need to accomplish. Being forced to remain indoors and not be able to interact with others, can be quickly draining for the ENFJ. They want to be around other people and crave a sense of connection, and too much time without this is difficult for them. ENFJs also have so many things on their minds at once, and so much they need to accomplish. A quarantine has likely forced so many of their plans to a screeching halt, and this is something which has caused the ENFJ a lot of internal stress. They are likely trying to manage all of this and find ways to reorganize themselves and adjust, but that doesn’t make it any easier for them. They feel a desire to be around others and are likely worried about the well-being of everyone they care for.

INFPs do enjoy the idea of social distancing, especially when this first begins. They cherish the opportunity to spend time alone and not feel guilty about turning down social plans. They care about their loved ones and so they often feel bad when they need time to themselves. For the INFP a quarantine means they don’t have to make excuses for needing so much time alone and for avoiding social interactions, and this is definitely something which feels good to them. While INFPs might enjoy the ability to spend time by themselves, that doesn’t make the idea of quarantine a simple one for them. INFPs worry about the state of the world and have a very strong sense of responsibility for others. When they see the way people are responding to each other, and see how they abandon their morals for the sake of self-preservation, this can really hit the INFP hard. Witnessing people behaving as their worst selves, can really take a toll on the INFP and leave them feeling emotionally exhausted. 

ENFPs can feel truly drained and overwhelmed by the idea of a quarantine for so many reasons. ENFPs are not fans of being told what they can or cannot do, and so being forced into this can be truly frustrating for them. While they might understand the reasoning behind it, there is something inside of them which doesn’t like feeling as if they cannot decide for themselves because something is out of their control. ENFPs enjoy a sense of freedom, and they also don’t like feeling trapped inside of their own homes. They are social people who truly love being able to experience the world around them in an active and exciting way. Not being able to socialize and spend time doing the things they love with their friends and loved ones, is something which can become draining for the ENFP rather quickly. They also find themselves worrying about those around them fairly often, even if they don’t express this outwardly.

For the INTJ the idea of social distancing is often rather appealing, as they do enjoy plenty of time to themselves. They rarely find it difficult to distance themselves and might even enjoy the idea of working from home. The only issue for the INTJ is needing to have things to keep their active minds busy, and so long as they are capable of working from home they will likely be able to maintain this fairly well. They do sometimes struggle with analyzing the state of the world and wanting to understand the direction things are going in. INTJs don’t like when things are out of their control and sometimes this can cause them a bit of stress. Just the idea of being forced to stay inside their own homes can be a little bit unsettling for them. Ultimately INTJs are logical people who will search for ways to keep busy and keep themselves from going stir crazy inside of their own homes.

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