Cognitive functions

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The Perceiving Functions

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The Perceiving Functions

Extraverted Sensing is what happens when you pay attention to what your 5 senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, seeing) are telling you about the real world. It's a real time process that is happening now.So if you pay attention to a sound coming from a bird just outside your door, that's your brain using it's extraverted sensing function to pay attention to the sound.

Introverted Sensing is when you remember the sound of a bird that you heard last week. Because you are paying attention to the memory of it in your mind, rather than the real live event.

Extraverted Intuiting is when you see several possible futures. It's when you do rapid fire brainstorm. It's when you see connections and patterns between people and events.

Introverted Intuiting is when you get insights that seem to come from nowhere. It's when you have those "aha" moments.

The Judging Functions

Extraverted Thinking is making decisions about the external world using objective facts.

Extraverted Feeling is making decisions based on a value system that is concerned with the well being of people. These values are more global and cultural than personal.

Introverted Thinking is making decisions based on data, categories, and theories inside your mind.

Introverted Feeling is about making decisions based on your personal values and being concerned more with how things impact you personally than how the group is impacted.

Of the eight cognitive functions, four are extroverted (oriented toward action and interaction with the world around you) and four are introverted (oriented toward analysis and reflection). Regardless of whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, we each have two extroverted functions and two introverted functions. Extroverts just prefer using their main extroverted function over their main introverted function and vice versa.

There is sooo many information on this topic .Feel free to ask any questions or give additional info. There will definitely be a part 2  to this maybe later when I have time to do deep research. ♡☆♡☆

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