Who drives you crazy🤯

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What kinda people drive you crazy?

Here’s Who Drives an ISTJ Crazy:

“Have you heard the latest rumor?”..that seems to be the constant question of the person who drives you crazy. They are the ultimate gossip, always ready to “dish” about the latest scandal or the personal lives of the people you work with. On the surface, they appear friendly and caring, compassionate even. But what other people fail to realize is that everything they do is for praise and admiration. You can see through them, but everyone else is blind to this manipulative behavior. Their nose is always in your business, and you better not ever criticize them or they’ll spread rumors about you, too.  They seek influence in big group decisions, but instead of using that influence wisely, they veer everyone towards decisions that are based on emotion and “gut feelings” rather than logic and facts.

Here’s Who Drives an ISFJ Crazy:

Do you remember that movie “Minions” with the obnoxious yet adorable yellow creatures? Well, it was funny in theory.  But this person doesn’t seem to realize that minions are cute, fictional creatures that only belong in movies. They’re trying to turn everyone they meet, including you, into their own personal errand-runner. Their hunger for authority knows no bounds, and if they can’t be the ones in charge they tend to act like they are anyway. They may even go so far as to undermine the real authorities. They’re extremely argumentative and find a way to turn any conversation into a debate. They have grandiose, unrealistic ideas about the future but don’t seem to pay any attention to the facts and what needs to be done right now. If you try to have a personal conversation with them they act bored unless it has something to do with theirwork, their goals, or their ambitions.

Here’s Who Drives an ESTJ Crazy:

Unhinged would be a nice way of describing the person who drives you crazy. They are completely absorbed in ideas and patterns that are completely unrealistic and impractical. Their single-minded devotion to their “vision” seems totally misplaced and even hazardous to the real work that needs to get done. They complain about work, responsibilities, and chores because it gets in the way of their daydreaming. You wonder if they’re on drugs because they get a constant glazed-over, detached expression on their face regularly. When you ask them about it, they just say you’re not “evolved” enough to understand their theories. When they’re offended (which they are regularly), they never just “say it like it is”. They waste your time beating around the bush, and when they do finally confront you their language is so metaphorical and pretentious you don’t even know what their point was. They are easily hurt, even by the most constructive criticism, and read into everything, making minor issues way more complicated than they need to be.

Here’s Who Drives an ESFJ Crazy:

“Unlimited Ways To Feel Superior” should be a book that this person has on their coffee table. They might be intellectual, but they don’t have any real-world application for their knowledge. As far as you’re concerned, the only good they get out of it is making themselves feel better than everyone else.  They don’t seem to care about what anyone needs or how anyone is feeling. They blurt out “honest” truths that are so patronizing they make your skin crawl. Sure, being honest is good, but one should never underestimate the value of tactfulness and empathy. This person is all about logic and strategy and basically dismissed anything you had to say once you showed you actually had feelings. They don’t like to do things by the book, in fact, they keep changing things to a newer, “better” system when the older system was working just fine.

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