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INTJ: Can FAKE their way through any test even if they didn't study for it.

ENTJ: Can FAKE their way through a memorial service.

ISTJ: Can FAKE their way through giving a lecture/advice.

ESTJ: Can FAKE their way through court even if guilty.

INTP: Can FAKE their way through giving useless advice.

ENTP: Can FAKE their way through a debate they don't care about.

ISTP: FAKING everything.

ESTP: Can FAKE their way through anything if they lie.

INFP: Can't FAKE anything.

ENFP: Can FAKE their way through any social convention.

ISFP: Can FAKE their way through art class and probably still got an 96.

ESFP: Can FAKE their way through a party even though they hate the guts of the host/hostess.

INFJ: Can FAKE their way through therapy even though they may be insane.

ENFJ: Can FAKE their way through life.

ISFJ: Like INFP except that they actually considered  trying to FAKE but probably felt bad for even considering it...

ESFJ: Calls everyone out on said FAKES.

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