Dealing with depression

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INFJs can often suffer from depression, this is likely because of their compassionate nature. INFJs see things, and they notice what is going on in the world around them. While some people can shut themselves off to the pain of the world- INFJs feel everything and are incapable of closing themselves off from it. This can cause them a lot of pain and heartache in their lives, especially when they see so many people who lack compassion or a desire to help change things. INFJs can go into a depressive state, if they feel powerless to help others- or if they simply feel overwhelmed by the world around them. They know that they are meant for greater things, and they strive to make a real difference in the world. Sometimes though, the INFJ will become saddened by the pressure that they place upon themselves- especially if they feel like they aren’t making any progress. This depression can overwhelm them, but they need to let go of their guilt and realize that they are doing their best. It is more than acceptable to take time for themselves- in order to heal and replenish their souls. Their depression can often show itself as self-abuse, and the INFJ may become even harder on themselves than usual. It is important for the INFJ to remember, that even the smallest difference is a truly a big deal. Many people in the world aren’t even trying- while the INFJ is doing whatever they can to ease the suffering of those around them. Simply committing one small act, can change someone’s life- and if anyone is capable of showing this kind of life-changing kindness, it is the INFJ.


ENFJs often feel extremely guilty when they experience feelings of depression. It is difficult for the ENFJ to take the time to tend to their own emotions, which can actually lead to these depressive feelings. They simply do not feel like it is fair for them to take time for themselves, since they are primarily focused on tending to the needs of others. If the ENFJ is feeling overwhelmed by their depression, it might exhibit itself in various ways. The ENFJ will often attempt to work even harder, in hopes of completely ignoring their depressive state. This will lead to a crash, which might cause the ENFJ to fail to accomplish their usual tasks. This is completely unlike the ENFJ, which makes it hard not to notice the change.  They will often experience worsened feelings of depression, if they do not feel the support of their loved ones. ENFJs are always there for the people closest to them, which makes it hard for them to carry on if they feel like they are failing them. It is important for the people who love the ENFJ to show them as much support as possible. They need to feel appreciated for their hard work- they also need to feel acceptance so that they can let go of the guilt that they feel for not being able to be present during their depressive times.


INFPs are unfortunately prone to depression, in many different forms. This is most likely because of their naturally sensitive souls, which make them wonderful people, but also causes them to feel things on a much deeper level. INFPs simply cannot disconnect from the pain around them, and might struggle to avoid these feelings. They are very caring individuals, and will often feel guilty if they believe they aren’t doing enough for others. Sometimes INFPs can suffer from depressed feelings, simply because they do not feel understood by people. They are oftentimes very different from the norm, and do not fit into the sometimes shallow stereotypes of the world. This can cause the INFP to feel alienated, and misunderstood in a painful way. INFPs who are depressed might actually start to show their emotions to others, more willingly than usual. This is often because they are searching for someone who will understand them, and who can help them through this sadness. It is important for the INFP to feel supported during these times. Simply being there for them is enough, this might include just sitting in silence for a while. Just knowing that the people they love are not judging them, helps the INFP immensely.


ENFPs often go through their depression in various stages, but this can be very difficult for them to overcome. These usually happy-go-lucky people, will begin disconnecting from the world around them. When a depressed ENFP goes too long without taking notice to their depressive state, they will begin to lash out at those around them. They are usually very considerate of the feelings of others, but when depressed they will unintentionally snap at the people closest to them. They might even seek out ways to tease people, but in a less playful way than they usually do. This can make the ENFP difficult to be around, especially for people who are more sensitive to the teasing. They will often find dark humor even more appealing when they are feeling depressed, and will be drawn to the darker side of their personality.
The most important thing for an ENFP who is feeling depressed- is simply to pay attention to their depression. Instead of trying to pretend that everything is okay, they need to express what they are feeling to others. Talking about it, and admitting what is going on- is the most important step for an ENFP. It might be difficult to open up about what they are experiencing, but it is the best solution for them in the long run.

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