Your blind spot

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The type: ENTP
The blind spot: The beauty of the well-trodden path.
You like to do your own thing, to innovate, and you have a tendency to cut new paths rather than follow the norm. That said, in an effort to break the mold, you may have a tendency to reject anything that seems like familiar territory - phrases like "tradition for the sake of tradition" and "the way things have always been done" terrify you. In reality, it's OK to like vanilla ice cream, have a church wedding, or settle in your hometown. Familiar paths are not lesser. They can even be the best, most fulfilling way to go.

The type: ISTP
The blind spot: Relying on others.
You're the most independent type on the planet, and you relish your freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want. In fact, you might fear that relying on others, building relationships, or maintaining a tight circle of friends will hinder your individual growth and worldly exploration. This simply isn't the case; in reality, you just need to find people who listen to you, understand you, and accept you for who you are. The right people will accept your need for space, and relying on others can enhance your experiences and help you make stronger decisions. All relationships are not limiting in nature.

The type: ESFJ
The blind spot: The benefits of argument.
You are, by definition, a person who likes to make others feel comfortable - and you are hypersensitive to perceived conflict. It's great that you want to keep the peace, but some people aren't just disagreeing to be difficult. Speaking up can be a way to express individuality or understand differences, and inciting an argument might be a way to test ideas. If you use disagreement for better understanding, it's actually an amazing way to bring people together.

The type: ESFP

he blind spot: Going with the flow.

Although you are the fun, happy-go-lucky friend in almost every social situation, you tend to catastrophize when left to your own devices. You remember situations that went wrong - the car broke down on the highway, winter weather caused your friend's flight delay - which can prevent you from taking any forward-thinking action. Remember that you thrive when you let life play out and adapt to it, and not when you worry relentlessly about events that will probably never take place (if you're really honest with yourself).

The type: ESTJ
The blind spot: Empathy.
You are incredibly impartial and objective, and like to bring the hard line of logic and reason to everything you do. That said, sometimes considering the feelings of others (and your own) can actually help you execute more effectively. Remember that the next time someone has an emotional outburst at work, or your partner is being way too hard on himself. Supportively helping someone put their feelings into perspective, rather than simply dismissing them outright, can help you get back to those rational solutions more quickly.

The type: INTJ
The blind spot: Staying humble.
You are so forward-thinking and analytical that you often think you can place anyone or any situation into your theoretical model of the universe. Meanwhile, you aren't taking into account that even the best guesses are not always correct; people change their minds, have changes of heart, or are dealing with unforeseen variables that affect the result. You are smart, but you are not always right - and sometimes, you need to accept the fact that irrational forces influence the way the world plays out.

The type: ISFJ
The blind spot: Flexibility in relationships.
You're one of the MBTI's biggest romantics and tend to internalize romantic ideals from a young age. You've always been observant, so you may end up thinking the "perfect" relationship is the one that has been modeled for you since birth. However, if you strive for this, you may miss the forest for the trees; the point of a great relationship is mutual fulfillment, not to re-create what your parents had (or what all your favorite rom-com or literature heroines had). If you feel unsatisfied with your relationships, ditch the model in your head. Date different people. Try new things. Be open to the right one coming in a totally unexpected package, but still making you feel the feelings for which you've always hoped.

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