How well you handle being wrong

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INFJs don’t mind being wrong, as long as it isn’t delivered in an accusing and harsh manner. They understand that they cannot always be right, and aren’t so full of themselves that they cannot handle being corrected. For INFJs it can be upsetting if someone tries to insult them by saying they were wrong, and will want to avoid people like that entirely. They actually accept being wrong much better when it comes from their loved ones, and will be more open to hearing the truth from those people.

ENFJs definitely don’t enjoy being told they are wrong, especially since they try hard to be perfect for their loved ones. When the ENFJ realizes they’ve made a mistake it can leave them feeling like they might have failed in some way. Their ability to handle being wrong entirely depends on how the news is being delivered, and if they feel the need to be defensive or not. ENFJs aren’t incapable of seeing their mistakes, they can just struggle to accept it sometimes.

INFPs don’t like being told they are wrong, and won’t just accept it immediately. They have strong beliefs and dislike when people try and challenge them. When they believe in something that means the INFP has taken a lot of time to think it through and make their decisions. When people simply go against that without having a sturdy reason to support it, the INFP will become very frustrated. They can accept it from someone they trust, especially if that person presents the information without being rude about it.

ENFPs don’t like being told they are wrong, especially if that person doesn’t deliver the information logically. They want someone to show them the facts and give them time to process it before making their decisions. ENFPs can accept when they are wrong as long as the person delivering the news isn’t being self-absorbed or pompous about it. ENFPs do enjoy looking for the truth, they just prefer to approach things on their own terms without someone telling them what they should believe.

INTJs definitely don’t just accept being told they are wrong, and might become irritated by this. They prefer to look at the facts and spend a long time searching for the truth. If someone tries to accuse the INTJ of believe in something that isn’t true, they will require plenty of facts in order to actually take it into consideration. They are open to being proven wrong, but it actually requires solid proof and not just someone’s opinion.

ENTJs don’t handle being told they’re wrong very easily, and need a lot of information to actually process whether or not it is true. ENTJs prefer to have plenty of facts and dislike when someone simply accuses them of being wrong. ENTJs are often prideful people, who work hard to make sure they have absorbed enough information to make their decisions logically. They are intuitive people and they believe in working hard and being efficient. They will accept that they are wrong when they have seen plenty of information to change their minds about something.

INTPs can accept being wrong, especially if it teaches them something new. They won’t simply accept being told they are wrong though and need plenty of information and facts in order to actually believe this. INTPs take a lot of time before making a decision about something, and dislike when someone tries to challenge it without adequate information to back it up. They don’t mind exploring new possibilities, but would prefer someone who can actually debate the subject properly.

ENTPs actually enjoy being challenged, and feel like debating something can actually help them learn more about it. For ENTPs just being told they are wrong is frustrating because they want someone to present them with facts and information to facilitate a real discussion. Being wrong isn’t the worst thing for an ENTP, since they realize they can often learn from this experience. It might take a lot to actually prove them wrong, but ENTPs enjoy the challenge.

ISTJS definitely don’t like being told they are wrong, especially since they make choices based on facts. They take time to absorb information and do plenty of research before they fully believe in something. Once ISTJs make a decision about something it is based on facts and plenty of information. They need someone to present them with evidence before they actually will accept being proven wrong. They will accept the change if it is proven though, ISTJs just believe in being sure.

ESTJs don’t handle being told they are wrong, and would much rather figure things out themselves. They spend a lot of time doing research and developing their beliefs. ESTJs follow proven methods and facts, which is why they become frustrated by someone trying to prove them wrong. ESTJs will accept it from someone they trust and rely on, and will take the information much better coming from them.

ISFJs can definitely handle finding out that they were wrong, as long as it is presented in a kind manner. They don’t enjoy having someone act judgmental towards them, and won’t handle being told they are wrong if it is done in this way. ISFJs will accept that they are wrong if the person telling them is someone they actually trust and rely on for things.

ESFJs can definitely handle being wrong, as long their loved ones deliver it in a gentle manner. They don’t like someone trying to shame them for making a mistake and dislike feeling embarrassed that way. They would much rather someone calmly inform them, without being harsh or cruel about it. ESFJs can become firm in their beliefs and don’t enjoy when their core morals are being challenged by someone. They will only accept that they are wrong when it comes to more practical information that can actually be proven.

ISTPs definitely don’t take being told they are wrong lightly, and require plenty of facts to back this up. They can be rather competitive, and have developed their beliefs over time. They won’t simply accept someone insisting they are wrong about something, and will likely engage in a serious debate with that person. ISTPs know their facts and can remember a lot of information at once, which often leads to them proving others wrong.

ESTPs aren’t great at accepting when they are wrong about something, and can often be very argumentative. They will argue their point until someone presents them with solid evidence to the contrary. It can be difficult to prove the ESTP wrong, since they collect a lot of data over time and are skilled at recalling this information when they need it. Even when they are wrong they can often find ways to argue their point, unless someone has evidence in their hands.

ISFPs can accept when they are wrong about something most of the time, and don’t expect to be perfect. Where they struggle is when someone is trying to challenge their morals or core beliefs, and this will likely lead to a frustrated and upset ISFP. They don’t mind someone telling them their information about something is incorrect, but that is entirely different than challenging their morals and ideals.

ESFPs can be a bit combative when they are told they are wrong about their beliefs. When the ESFP believes in something they don’t want someone trying to prove them wrong. Where ESFPs can accept being incorrect is when it comes to more practical things, as long as they aren’t emotionally attached to this information. ESFPs will listen to the people they trust and can be convinced of something if they are presented with facts.

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