What kind of traveler are you

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ENFP: You're a soul-searching traveler.
You travel not just to discover the world but to discover yourself and your place within it. Through each new experience, each new adventure, and each new fascinating personality you meet, you come to understand a little bit more about where you fit in the grand scheme of it all. What may seem like a series of disjointed adventures to others is actually a life-long journey that you're taking inside of yourself-each new excursion teaches you a meaningful lesson and helps you construct a more holistic worldview.

our travel mantra: "Not all who wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolkien

INFP: You're an imaginative traveler.
When you travel, you aren't just seeing new lands or meeting new people. Rather, you're telling yourself a story inside your mind-one that educates, inspires and revitalizes you, every step of the way. For you, travel isn't about being in the moment; it's about reflecting upon the moment and coming to understand what it has taught you. You enjoy dreaming up the adventures you'll have (and reflecting upon what past adventures have taught you) even more than you enjoy actually going on them. You may internally embellish your experiences once they're over, but why not? Some of the best moments in your life have taken place inside your mind.
Your travel mantra: "Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen." -Benjamin Disraeli

ENFJ: You're a people-focused traveler.
For you, the trip isn't as much about the sights you see or the places you explore as it is about the people you meet (or take with you) along the way. There's nothing you value more than forming quality memories with loved ones, and travel allots you the opportunity to do just that. You tend to look back on your trips and remember not the details of the places you visited, but the essence of the fascinating and invigorating people you met along the way, each of whom made you fall in love with your location that much more.
Your travel mantra: "A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles." -Tim Cahill

INFJ: You're a slow and inquisitive traveler.
You aren't one for whirlwind vacations or sight-seeing trips, you want to travel slowly, meaningfully and inquisitively. You seek to learn what life is like in each new place you visit and to arrive at a profound understanding of how cultural and geographical context affects the human experience across the globe. For you, travel isn't just a source of pleasure but a source of education. Unless you take the time to educate yourself thoroughly and meaningfully, your trip simply hasn't served its purpose.
Your travel mantra: "Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." -Miriam Beard

ENTP: You're a perspective-seeking traveler.
You travel not just to explore but to experience and understand different ways of life. In each new location you arrive at, you seek to gain a first-hand understanding of how this country's system of government operates, how the locals earn a living, what issues plague different geographical areas, and how different lifestyles manifest in different places. You travel not just to explore the world but to deepen your understanding of it and to consider what you might have to learn from other cultures. After all, who are you to assume that your home country is getting everything right?
Your travel mantra: "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." -Henry Miller

INTP: You're a critical and inquisitive traveler.
It's not that you travel to criticize other cultures; it's that you do so to gain a critical analysis of your own. You enjoy melting yourself into a new country, culture or way of life in order to get an idea of how other parts of the world function. You thoroughly enjoy challenging your own perceptions of how government systems, economies, relationships, communities and lifestyles ought to manifest. The more differing perspectives you're exposed to, the more biases you're able to drop and the more clearly you're able to understand the world around you.
Your travel mantra: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." -Mark Twain

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