What we underestimate most in each type

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ESFP: Their Resourcefulness and Intelligence

ESFPs are known for being outgoing, excitable and adventurous. What they're less known for is being sharp, entrepreneurial and resourceful. These types can spot a killer opportunity a mile away and they're masters of connecting themselves to the resources they need to make their plans come to fruition. While ESFPs regularly receive credit for their social skills, their resourcefulness and entrepreneurialism are often incredibly underestimated by others.

ESTP: Their Inventiveness

ESTPs are often stereotyped as the daredevil bad boys of the personality community. And while these types can harbor a rebellious streak, they can also harbor a keen entrepreneurial one. ESTPs often stay on the cutting edge of new technological trends and are just as quick as their intuiting counterparts to formulate new inventions. These types are naturally wired to observe, understand and apply creative thinking to their existing knowledge base. We undoubtedly have many of these quick-thinking types to thank for some of the greatest advancements of our time.

ISTP: Their Intellectualism

ISTPs are known as impulsive adrenaline junkies who live their lives on the edge. However, many ISTPs relate far more to the traditional NT stereotypes of being intellectual, analytical and studious. These types approach each new topic that sparks their interest with an intent to research them thoroughly and comprehensively. Many ISTPs would sooner be found in a library than dangling off a cliff's edge. The intellect of this type is severely and regularly underestimated.

ISFP: Their Intuition

ISFPs are known for being passionate, creative and artistic. But a lesser-known facet of their personality is the deep, intuitive connection they feel to the world around them. ISFPs are keen observers of their environments, which means they're also quick to recognize patterns and predict events prior to their unfolding. These types can often call out people's motivations or desires with an uncanny accuracy that is usually attributed solely to intuitive types. But these types have earned a reputation as the most intuitive sensors for a reason. Their emotional intelligence combined with their careful observation and analysis puts them a cut above the rest in terms of intuiting abilities.

INTJ: Their Idealism

INTJs are often stereotyped as ruthlessly logical and efficient. While these traits can certainly be a part of the INTJ's personality, they almost always work in conjunction with their deeply-embedded sense of moral responsibility and idealism. These types harbor keen visions about how they'd like to improve the world, and they work tirelessly to make their ideals a reality. While we're quick to label NFs the dreamers of the personality community, INTJs can give any NF type a run for their money when it comes to their ability to visualize and actualize their ideals.

INTP: Their Thoughtfulness

INTPs are portrayed as being somewhat avoidant and socially aloof. But what's lesser-discussed about this type is the intense concentration and thoughtfulness they bring to each encounter. Contrary to their tuned-out stereotype, INTPs bring a great deal of concentration and presence to their interactions. They take their investments (emotional or otherwise) seriously. They take particular care to express themselves clearly and portray their thoughts honestly. Anyone who knows an INTP well would be hard-pressed to label them as completely aloof or avoidant.

ENTJ: Their Emotional Intelligence

ENTJs are often stereotyped as the ruthless, inconsiderate ladder-climbers of the personality community. What these types are lesser known for is their incredible ability to read, respect and relate authentically to others. These types may trust reason over emotion when it comes to decision-making, but they nonetheless possess an astonishing sense of emotional intelligence that allows them to connect meaningfully with most people they meet. These types are living proof that logic and empathy are not always at odds with each other.

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