4 steps to get a date with any mbti type

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1. Make it seem like you don’t have time for relationships because you’re too busy saving the world.
2. Ask an ISFJ how normal people even have time to eat.
3. Ask an ISFJ if they’re free for a date because you need to be somewhere right now but you need help figuring out how to take care of yourself.
4. An ISFJ will meet you anytime at your convenience (so you better bring some stories about the orphans you’re saving).


1. Make yourself seem like damaged goods with a complicated backstory.
2. Ask an INFJ what a normal family looks like.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date to psychoanalyze your relationship with your parents because you have no idea who you even are anymore.
4. They will meet you with open ears and a tissue box (so you better bring some childhood wounds).


1. Make yourself seem free-spirited and mysterious AF.
2. Ask them if they know about your super obscure hobby
3. Ask if they’re free for a date to discuss it because you need help figuring it out and you want a second opinion on it.
4. An ISFP will meet you with an explosion of ideas (so you better take pics of your bajillion side hobbies so they can be your conversation-starters).


1. Make yourself seem like you have a lot of emotional baggage that you can’t share with just ANYONE.
2. Ask an INFP if they’ve ever had their heart broken before.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because you want to explore your thoughts and feelings with them.
4. An INFP will meet you with tears that will pour on-cue (so you better bring some deep scars for your dinner date).


1. Make yourself seem like you’re in your own world
2. Ask for their opinion on a very very complicated and multi-faceted topic and low-key ask what they’re doing next weekend.
3. Ask an INTJ to meet you next Saturday because they just said they’re free next Saturday so since both of you are free, both of you should just meet up for dinner. 
4. An INTJ will meet you with lots of skepticism (so you better bring some interesting insights into philosophy, science, or politics),


1. Make yourself seem normal but with a little spontaneity.
2. Ask them for their opinion on food,
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because everybody needs to eat food and both of you are people, right? 
4. An ISTJ will meet you with a list of food places you should try out (so you better bring an appetite and a half).


1. Make yourself look sexy AF.
2. Ask them for their opinion on sex.

3. Ask if they’re free for a date because you heard that sky-diving is usually done in pairs and you need a second person.
4. An ISTP will meet you there—as your sky-diving instructor and partner (so you better bring a copy of your will in case it goes south).


1. Make yourself not-wallpaper.
2. Ask for their opinion on a hotly debated topic in math/physics/science.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date sometime Sunday to Sunday. If they’re not free that week, keep asking and keep asking and keep asking until they agree.
4. An INTP will meet you with lots of reminders on your part about the date (so you better be prepared for some abstract conversation).


1. Make yourself as submissive as possible.
2. Ask them why they’re always so right about everything.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date so they can give you some pointers on how to do everything in your life better.
4. ESTJ will meet you with a thick stack of notes (so you better be prepared to make some huge life changes).


1. Make yourself seem PERFECT AF.
2. Ask about how they weigh pros and cons in an investment situation.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because one little date is a super low-investment which can lead to a very high reward. 
4. An ENTJ will meet you with a dating questionnaire for you to fill out (so you better study for the test 3 days in advance).


1. Make it seem like you have your shit together.
2. Ask them how people always seem to have their shit together because you certainly don’t.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because you have trouble taking care of yourself since you’re so busy being successful.
4. An ESFJ will meet you with a bullet journal to help you organize your life (so you better be ready for ESFJ to move in).


1. Make yourself look easily amused by everything.
2. Ask them for their opinion on LITERALLY ANYTHING and nod.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because you don’t know how to do that thing that they know how to do and you want them to help you.
4. An ESTP will meet you with lots of tips on how to help you out (so you better look like you have no idea what you’re doing).


1. Make yourself visible (no strobe lights please).
2. Ask them for their opinion on a hotly debated topic in politics.
3. Ask an ENTP if they’re free for a date and tell them that according to the Schrödinger’s cat experiment, there’s already a version of them that has already accepted and rejected the date so it’s up to ENTP to decide which reality they want.
4. An ENTP will meet you on a whim (so you better come prepared with some strong arguments and points).


1. Make yourself seem like you have a troubled past.
2. Ask if they’ve ever wished they could go back in time to change their past.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because you want to try being more open to people this time around and ENFJ might be able to help.
4. An ENFJ will meet you at any time or place with lots of questions (so you better bring a deeply moving backstory and eye drops for tears)


1. Make yourself seem like a challenge.
2. Ask how a recent event has been affecting them.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because you happen to be free next Saturday and you want to chill with someone interesting for a change.
4. An ENFP will meet you at the WRONG PLACE (so you better schedule the reservation for 7pm even though you told them to meet at 6pm).


1. Make yourself look sexy and available.
2. Ask them nothing, just wait for an ESFP to come to you.
3. Ask if they’re free for a date because you heard that they were a good dinner date and you wanted to experience it for yourself.
4. An ESFP will meet you either with NO MONEY or ALL THE MONEY (so be prepared for either option .. and also the option that a 3rd person may up end up paying for all the food).

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