How each type's learning is hindered

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An ESTJ’s learning is hindered when:

Material is overly conceptual

Material lacks practical application (noticeably reduces interest)

Material appeals primarily to the finer feelings

An ISTJ’s learning is hindered when:

Material is overly theoretical

Material deals mostly with problems, rather than their solutions

Material lacks practical application

Material appeals primarily to the finer feelings

An ENTJ’s learning is hindered when:

Material is of no strong personal interest to the ENTJ

Material is trivial

The knowledge received does not significantly expand the boundaries of their understanding and opportunities for application in the given area

What they learn is insufficient to allow them to present themselves as knowledgeable on the topic

An INTJ’s learning is hindered when:

Significant amounts of information lacking substantial theoretical connection are presented at a fast pace

Material is trivial (sharply reduces interest)

The knowledge received does not significantly broaden and deepen their understanding

The material calls for a strong emotional reaction

An ESTP’s learning is hindered when:

Material is overly conceptual

Material lacks practical application (strongly reduces interest)

Material appeals primarily to the finer feelings

An ISTP’s learning is hindered when:

Material is overly theoretical

Material deals mostly with problems, rather than their solutions

Material lacks practical application (strongly reduces interest)

Material appeals to the finer feelings

An ENTP’s learning is hindered when:

Material is trivial

They don’t feel that the knowledge they gain takes their understanding of the topic to the next level

There is a need to carry out a large number of routine tasks

An INTP’s learning is hindered when:

Material is trivial (sharply reduces interest)

The knowledge gained does not significantly broaden and deepen their understanding in the given field

They participate in group work with the study material

Significant amounts of information lacking logical flow are presented at a fast pace (INTPs try to find a unifying pattern and lose acuity and focus in receptiveness)

An ESFJ’s learning is hindered when:

Material is overly conceptual

Material lacks practical application (strongly reduces interest)

The information being taught does not appeal to their feelings and emotions

An ISFJ’s learning is hindered when:

Material is overly conceptual

Material lacks practical application (strongly reduces interest)

Material being taught does not appeal to their feelings and emotions

An ENFJ’s learning is hindered when:

They do not consider the material to be of personal importance

The material studied is insufficient to make them proficient on the topic (reduces interest)

The material is of purely practical and mundane nature

An INFJ’s learning is hindered when:

They do not consider the material to be of personal importance

Large amounts of information lacking substantial conceptual connection are delivered at a fast pace

The knowledge gained does not significantly broaden and deepen their understanding in the field (reduces interest)

The material does not engage their feelings

An ESFP’s learning is improved when:

The subject engages their feelings and emotions

The topic is of concrete nature

Visual aids and active learning methods such as debates, contests and educational games are used

The topics are ones that they really like (greatly increases interest)

The same material is repeatedly presented (improves retention)

Material is taught using various examples (improves retention)

Material is presented in an artistic, aesthetically appealing way

An ISFP’s learning is hindered when:

Material is overly theoretical

Material lacks practical application

Information does not engage their feelings and emotions (reduces interest)

There is a lack of visual aids and active learning methods

An ENFP’s learning is hindered when:

The material is purely logical or is not centered around human issues

The material does not engage their feelings

An INFP’s learning is hindered when:

They do not consider the material to be of personal importance

They need to understand material that is purely logical or not related to the humanities or social sciences

Large amounts of information lacking substantial conceptual connection are delivered at a fast pace

The information received does not significantly deepen their understanding in the area of study (reduces interest)

The material does not appeal to their feelings and emotions

Studying is left until the last minute (can be stressful)

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