Unhealthy version of each type

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INFJs are generally seen as warm and loving people, who would not want to harm another living soul. The INFJ at their worst often uses their sense of emotions to manipulate and coerce people. The unhealthy INFJ is capable of altering the perception of others in order to get what they want from them. They will also become much more codependent and possibly obsessive when it comes to people they love. The INFJ who has struggled to mature in life will like try to manipulate people in order to keep them present in their lives no matter what. This is something that can be worked through overtime, even for the INFJ who is struggling.


ENFJs are normally seen as hardworking and selfless people, who are constantly striving to help others. The unhealthy version of an ENFJ is much more manipulative, and will often use their strong awareness of emotions in order to get what they want. They will often push others around in a subtle way, and will use their strengths in order to keep people in their lives. ENFJs who are unhealthy are also capable becoming a more gossipy person, and will enjoy chatting about others behind their backs. They likely only do this as a way to feel connected to people, but it can become a bit out of hand.


INFPs are normally imaginative and kind folks, with a desire to do good in the world. The unhealthy INFP is often a bit of an emotional wreck, and cannot seem to handle their emotions properly. They haven't reached the point in their lives where they can process their ocean of feelings, without becoming crippled by them. They can become extremely reactive to others, and will want to push their own morals onto them. The unhealthy INFP struggles to understand a difference in opinion, and becomes very stubborn if people do not share the same moral code as they do.


ENFPs at their best are kind and enthusiastic people, with passion and imagination. The ENFP who is unhealthy is often a bit manipulative, and has a tendency to push too hard for what they want. In this case the ENFP will become very demanding and will do whatever it takes to get what they want, with little thought for others. The unhealthy ENFP is also very unaware of other people's emotions, and will have a hard time being sensitive to their feelings. They have not developed an awareness of other people, and will struggle to appreciate when they don't relate to that person.


INTJs are normally intelligent and logic focused people, who strive to learn. INTJs who are unhealthy become extremely pushy about their "logic" and are often insulting to others who do not agree. They have a desire to shove their information down other people's throats, and are often rather smug about their knowledge. The unhealthy INTJ can be somewhat manipulative, and will use others for their benefit without considering their feelings. Instead of developing a sense of maturity, this INTJ has struggled to appreciate their own emotions and will often snap without notice because of it.


ENTJs at their best are intelligent and drive people, who enjoy being efficient and helpful. The unhealthy ENTJ is often aggressive, and has a way of pushing others around in order to get what they want. They become controlling and bossy, and have little awareness of the emotions of others. When the ENTJ is unhealthy they become manipulative and struggle to hold back their opinions, with very little tact present even in important situations. This can be difficult especially since the unhealthy ENTJ lacks self-awareness, and cannot seem to recognize their own destructive behaviors.


INTPs are normally logical and caring people, with a passion for understanding. The unhealthy INTP is completely unaware of their own emotions, to a point where it can become toxic for those around them. The INTP who is not at their best will attempt to bury their negative emotions, until they boil over and lash out at their loved ones. This version of the INTP lacks a connection to the emotions of others as well, and tends to be extremely precise, even when it hurts people. They have forgone compassion for a sense of logic, and will often become arrogant about their own knowledge.

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