Why they pulled away when you were starting to get close

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ENFP and ENTP: They started worrying that being with you would limit their freedom.

ENTJ and ESTJ: Being with you was starting to infringe upon their other priorities.

INFJ and INTJ: They were having trouble deciphering whether they could see themselves with you long-term.

ESFJ and ENFJ: They weren’t sure if you were as invested as they were.

ISFJ and ISTJ: They were overwhelmed by the commitment they’d feel the need to make to you.

ESFP and ESTP: They weren’t done exploring their options yet.

INFP and ISFP: The reality of your relationship didn’t match up to the relationship they’d been envisioning.

INTP and ISTP: They couldn’t figure out what you wanted, and didn’t feel like sticking around to play guessing games.

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