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(I like getting my energy from active involvement in events and having a lot of different activities. I'm excited when I'm around people and I like to energize other people. I like moving into action and making things happen. I generally feel at home in the world. I often understand a problem better when I can talk out loud about it and hear what others have to say.

The following statements generally apply to me:

•I am seen as "outgoing" or as a "people person."
•I feel comfortable in groups and like working in them.
•I have a wide range of friends and know lots of people.
•I sometimes jump too quickly into an activity and don't allow enough time to think it over.
•Before I start a project, I sometimes forget to stop and get clear on what I want to do and why.)


An Extrovert, working at the supermarket produce department, is approached by a customer who asks to buy half a head of lettus. The Extrovert, disbelieving, responds, "I don't know, I'll have to ask the manager." He consults the manager, unaware that the customer is following him. "Some idiot wants half a head of lettus..." Suddenly realizing the customer is standing right behind him, he continues without missing a beat, adding, "and this gratious gentelman has consented to buy the other half."

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