How you sabotage your own happiness

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ISTJ: Paying too much attention to detail.
ISTJs are the bright, logical, and wise individuals who are very direct — for them, truth and facts are the most important. With their love of facts, they tend to accumulate a lot of information in their memory. Their focus on concrete facts and data makes them excellent analysts in many different environments.

Although there is nothing wrong with being as thorough as they are, they’re actually missing on the most important things in life and that is the source of their happiness. They are very analytical that they want to know every single detail — every single truth, for that matter — that they end up missing out on being spontaneous from time to time.

The truth won’t always set us free. Sometimes you have to take a risk to be happy.

INFJ: Putting other people before themselves.
The INFJ personality type is sensitive towards other people’s feelings. They always lend a hand to people who need help because they are compassionate and empathetic. They are also good at reading people and can sense other people’s emotions. They have uncanny insight into people and situations.

INFJs can be difficult to understand for others, and that might cause them to be secretive, making them even more mysterious. They are very careful not to hurt anybody through their words and actions that they dismiss other people’s’ rudeness and irrationality to make them feel better. INFJs always think more about what people may feel that they are ready to delay their happiness for others.

INTJ: Moving on too quickly.
People with the INTJ personality type are ruthless when it comes to analyzing the usefulness of methods or ideas. While some other types would happily accept the argument that things have always been done in this way, INTJs would question and challenge the existing procedures.

They tend to question everything and find out the right answer for it. INTJ is always up for the challenge and I think that because of this they lose their interest pretty quickly when things are already resolved. This is how they slowly lose their happiness.

ENFJ: Seeking approval from others.
ENFJ personality finds pleasure in the company of other people, but they also yearn for some time alone. This is due to their extroverted personality and intuitive character. An ENFJ should strive to find a balance between the two — to find enough time to reflect on things in their life, but also have time for other people. When the ENFJ spends too much time alone, they have a tendency to feel depressed. When they spend too much time with others, they tend to feel overwhelmed and unable to process everything that has been on their mind. They need to be able to find time for themselves and time for others.

ENFJ also has a tendency to seek the approval of others too much and this is how they are messing up their own happiness. Other people’s’ opinion matters to them too much than necessary; they have a need to feel that others think highly of them and that people think that they are as much of a good person as they are trying to be. They feel depressed once they found out that people don’t like them enough or don’t approve of them that makes them feel so low about themselves.

ISTP: Not taking risks.
The ISTP’s decisions stem from a sense of practical realism and a “do unto others” attitude. Fairness and equality are very important to ISTPs. They are extremely loyal to their friends, but they may need a lot of alone time to recharge. As introverted individuals, ISTPs are relatively private, which makes it even more difficult for other people to tell what is really going on in their minds.

ISTPs have a habit of conserving their energies for the things they consider as important. They are very focused on doing and finishing the things they feel the need to do that they missed out on being adventurous about what else is out there for them. They are mainly too caught up in what’s already in front of them and forget that there are other possibilities out there for them.

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