Soulmate (Part 2)

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INFJs are very giving people, which often means they can be taken advantage of by the people they love the most. The INFJ needs a partner in life, someone who will give just as much as they take. They need someone who is willing to support them, but who also needs support in some ways. INFJs want an equal, not someone who is superior or inferior to them in their relationship. They need someone who challenges their mind, and excites them in ways that are rare for them. The INFJs soul mate will spark their soul, and reach them on a deep and passionate level.

ENFJs are hardworking people who strive to make their loved ones feel cared for and appreciated. The ENFJ soul mate is someone who enjoys being taken care of, and who knows how to show appreciation in return. The soul mate of the ENFJ is someone who recognizes everything they do, and wants to show them love in return. They know how to help the ENFJ when things are becoming overwhelming, and will not push them in any way. The ENFJ needs someone who helps them feel the love that they deserve, and who simply wants to spend their time with them.

The soul mate of the INFP is both intelligent and compassionate. They need someone who respects their moral code, and who shares those similar values. The INFPs soul mate is also someone who can wow and impress them with their incredible mind. INFPs cannot live their lives without passion, and do not want a relationship that is merely comfort. They want to share their life with someone who loves them, but who has challenges them in positive ways. The INFP enjoys being with someone who can ignite their souls in a rare way.

The ENFPs soul mate is someone who is both intelligent, and even a bit difficult. They will be happiest with someone who challenges them to improve, and who knows how to explore new things. The ENFPs soul mate is someone who enjoys taking risks, but who is aware of when they need to pull back. The ENFP might think they want someone who is equally as wild as them, but in truth they need someone who can calm their spirit as well as excite it. ENFPs are not easy people to catch, and because of this their soul mate is someone truly unique and also forgiving.

The soul mate of the INTJ is someone who is both intellectual and at the same time a bit whimsical. Their soul mate knows how to keep up with them, and can even challenge the INTJ to grow. INTJs hate when they feel like their relationship is only pulling them down, and want someone who is just as eager to move forward as they are. The soul mate of the INTJ is strong-willed but they are also extremely patient. They know when to take a step back and give the INTJ the space and independence that they truly need in life. This person makes the INTJ feel excited to see them, because they know that they are their equal in life.

The ENTJs soul mate is someone who is both patient and strong. They need someone who knows how to appreciate the ENTJs spirit, and can see past their avoidance towards emotions. Their soul mate recognizes that the ENTJ loves them deeply, simply by the little things that they do for them. They do not need constant declarations of their affections, and do not expect too much. The ENTJs soul mate also challenges them in ways they never thought possible, and knows how to keep up with their passions and intensity.

The soul mate of the INTP is a patient person, with a warm heart and a rich mind. They need someone who can understand them, even on their most confusing days. INTPs are not openly expressive people, which means their soul mate is someone who can handle their sometimes distant behavior. Their soul mate knows when to give the INTP space, and when to pry just a little bit. They need someone who is both intelligent, and affectionate in a way that doesn’t smother the INTP.

The ENTPs soul mate is someone who is both energetic and grounded at the same time. This person will help the ENTP feel enriched and ready to take on exciting and new things. The ENTPs soul mate also knows when to pull them back so that they can both enjoy one another. Their soul mate is someone who is warm, but extremely passionate- and who is always ready to surprise the ENTP without notice. They need someone is who capable of shaking things up, but who is also fully committed to them and is not afraid to show it.

The soul mate of the ISTJ is someone who is intelligent and independent. They need someone who knows how to show love, but who also enjoys having their space. They will not smother the ISTJ, but also know when they need comfort and affection. The ISTJs soul mate is comfortable just spending time in their presence, enjoying the simple comforts in life. They will always be there for the ISTJ, even when things are difficult in their lives. Their soul mate will ignite the passionate side of the ISTJ, and help them to feel free to be their true selves.

The ESTJs soul mate is someone strong, but also extremely forgiving. They need someone who can keep up with them, and understand their sometimes demanding ways. Their soul mate knows how to provide the ESTJ with a safe space to be themselves and to not feel judged. This person loves the ESTJ for who they are, and will show them appreciation for how hard they try. They need someone who can listen to them vent, and who will become their loyal and strong partner in life.

The ISFJs soul mate is someone strong and dependable, and who does not waver in their affections. The ISFJ needs someone who knows how to bring them out of their comfort zone, without frightening them. This person will show the ISFJ how to enjoy themselves, but will not push them so far that they snap. Their soul mate is their guide and partner in life, and someone who appreciates how hard they try. The soul mate of the ISFJ will enjoy how much the ISFJ cares for them, and will not feel smothered by their affections.

The ESFJs soul mate is someone who is both fun and adventurous. They need someone who can pull them out of their comfort zone, but in a way that does not cause them too much anxiety. The soul mate of the ESFJ will not push them, but will simply encourage and support them. The ESFJ needs someone who enjoys all of their hard work and efforts, and appreciates everything that they do for them. They need someone affectionate, but also passionate. Their soul mate will love the ESFJ fully, and will not judge them under any circumstance.

The soul mate of the ISTP is someone independent and even a bit sassy. They will fall in love with the person who appreciates them for who they are, and is patient when they cannot find the words to show their affections. The ISTPs soul mate is someone who knows how to stand on their own two feet, and does not need to have someone else around. At the same time this person wants to share themselves with the ISTP, because they know that they will improve each other’s lives.

The soul mate of the ESTP is someone strong, but also a bit adventurous. They need someone who can keep up with them, but who also has the intelligence and strength to pull back. The soul mate of the ESTP knows how to keep them happy and excited, but who also can calm their sometimes fiery heart. Their soul mate will ground the ESTP when they become a bit too eager to take risks that they shouldn’t take. This person will be their support system, but will also challenge them in ways they never thought possible.

The soul mate of the ISFP is someone sturdy, but extremely moral. They need a partner who can appreciate the ISFPs sense of morals, and their desire to do good in the world. Their soul mate is also someone who is strong willed and capable of picking them up when they fall. ISFPs are not always the most responsible people, but their soul mate appreciates their spirit and their warmth. This person is capable of helping guide the ISFP when they are feeling lost, but still realizes what they are getting in return.

The ESFPs soul mate is someone intelligent, but also somewhat driven. They know how to be there when the ESFP needs support, and can ground them when they are feeling a bit lost. Their soul mate is also someone patient, who understand that sometimes the ESFP needs to seek out adventure. They will be there no matter what, but also know how to bring joy to the ESFPs life. Their soul mate is someone who is capable of pushing the ESFP in the right direction, without making them feel pressured or unloved.

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