What you do when no one's looking

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Talking to themselves – INTPs have an internal dialogue that can get so intense, they end up acting it out verbally. When there is no one else around to judge them, they may go ahead and think out loud, vent or rehearse an argument with an imagined adversary. As they go over ideas in their mind, they envision how a critic might reply and the possible counterpoints they might present. In the process, INTPs may gesticulate and pantomime in a very animated and unself-conscious way such that if anyone were to witness them, they would think the INTP were losing their mind.


Fuming over their mistakes – INTJs pride themselves on their mental aptitude, but when they make a major mistake or experience failure, it can feel like an affront to their ego. INTJs can sometimes torture themselves over it or fall into depression. INTJs don’t like broadcasting or even showing signs of their inner turmoil. They try to resolve it themselves and are good at hiding their embarrassment and concealing their emotions and reactions away from public scrutiny. They could be seething inside but to the rest of the world may appear like normal.


Drinking straight from the bottle instead of using a cup – It’s convenient but inconsiderate of others to drink straight from the carton, pitcher or bottle in the fridge. That’s what cups are for. For those who live alone, it doesn’t matter much although it could lead to a habit that continues even when they share residence with other people. Those who do it generally don’t see the big deal and only refrain from it when they know someone is watching. When caught, perpetrators may argue any number of ways to justify or mitigate the issue and if there’s anyone who can weasel themselves out with a compelling b.s. argument, it’s an ENTP.


Cutting corners – We can’t always be perfect can we? Sometimes it’s like you’re running a 100m race and you can see the finish line clearly from the starting point, but instead of making a direct beeline from point A to point B, you have to dodge traffic and jump through a hundred hoops and hurdles just to get there. Ain’t nobody got time for that. ENTJs are big picture thinkers who are all about efficiency. They don’t like getting caught up with granular details especially if it compromises their competitive edge. If there’s a loop-hole, they’ll find it, otherwise they’d rather outsource the task to someone else like an ISTJ.


Crying – INFPs are true bawlers. They’re tender snowflakes who mourn the the death of insects. They are earnest, and often naive but always genuine or at least try to be. Throughout their lives, unless they are really lucky, INFPs will come to realize the cruel reality of the world we live in and the fact that it simply doesn’t live up to their quixotic ideals. They try to put on a brave face but sometimes they break down in tears at the thought of someone else’s suffering or from watching soap operas. It doesn’t take much to make an INFP get misty-eyed and INFP guys in particular may avoid showcasing their tears to avoid getting mocked for being softer than a sea sponge.


Sweeping things under the carpet – This could be taken in both the literal and figurative sense. If it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind and sometimes that’s the extent to which we’re willing to deal with problems perceived as a nuisance or inconvenience not worth the time. To be fair, this is something a perceiver type is more likely to be guilty of since perceivers are inclined to procrastinate, postpone and half-ass a task and leave it half-done. It is a known trait of perfectionists to be generally all-or-nothing in their approach to tasks and so they may deliberately avoid beginning a daunting task until they are ready to do their best work. Since INFJs are reputed as perfectionists, they may on occasion put off things both major and minor because they’re just not ready to deal with it for whatever reason.

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