Strengths and weaknesses

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Strengths: As an ENTP, you are what is known as a visionary. You are an innovator. You are quick-witted and you know exactly what you want, and how to get it.

Weaknesses: As an ENTP, you have a tendency of not finishing projects once you start them. You move onto something new, because you get bored or tired of the previous one. Remember that in order to achieve your goals, you must be able to train yourself to get things done, one by one.

Strengths: As an INTP, you function best when you have the freedom to do whatever it is your heart tells you to. You love the flexibility of working for yourself, so being an entrepreneur is the perfect route for your career goals.

Weaknesses: As an INTP, you are not easily persuaded. This can be a great quality to have, however, it can cause you to come across as being very close-minded. Remember that listening to other people’s ideas and opinions won’t kill you. And they might have some ideas that you will agree with as well.

Strengths: As an ENTJ, you work best in an environment where you possess all the control. You work best in these types of situations. That’s because you are intelligent, and a natural born leader. Others follow that lead because they trust where you are going.

Weaknesses: As an ENTJ, you are far too argumentative. You rarely take other people’s feelings into account, often including your own. Your assertiveness can come across as aggressive and arrogant. Remember that being too defensive will come across as being an overall d*uche.

Strengths: As an INTJ, your mind is able to retain a tremendous amount of information all at once. Your mind is complex, and you are a naturally intelligent being.

Weaknesses: As an INTJ, you find it difficult to live in the moment. You’re always focusing on what’s coming next, and you look at the bigger picture making it impossible to focus on the here and now. Remember that living in the moment will help you appreciate not only the direction you’re going but also the direction you are coming from.

Strengths: As an IST, you thrive off being organized and settled in a routine that you can call your own. You excel in a setting in which you have complete control over whatever you’re doing. And having the ability to make adjustments if need be. You are an excellent planner. People admire you for those skills.

Weaknesses: As an ISTJ, if you don’t see the bigger picture of something, you tend to stray off course and lose interest and focus in something. You need to know what you’re going to succeed in an endeavor before you begin it. Remember that life is all about trial and error.

Strengths: As an ESTJ, you are a natural born leader. You were meant to be the leader of the pack, and you’re great at doing so. People look up to you for guidance and advice in life and admire your traditional morals and beliefs.

Weaknesses: As an ESTJ, you have a habit of getting stuck in a “all-work-no-play- routine. And it puts a strain on your mental and physical health. You want to do better, so you push yourself until you’re thinly strung. Remember that you are only human and you can only push yourself so far until you will eventually break.

Strengths: As an ISTP, you are a thrill seeker and risk taker. You like to live your life on the edge, constantly wondering what’s coming next. You like the unknown, and it doesn’t intimidate you one bit. You are easily capable of adapting to any situation life throws at you, and you won’t even flinch when doing so.

Weaknesses: As an ISTP, you hate being told what to do. You want to do what you want, when you want. And you really leave no room for any structure or advice from an outsider’s perspective. Remember that sometimes you won’t be in control of a situation, and that is okay.

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