Unusual feelings every mbti type experiences

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While other people get excited about having security, getting into a routine, or finding a "stable" job, I'm feeling suffocated. I like security only if it involves an endless amount of creative freedom. Routine, repetition, or having a steady paycheck at the expense of my freedom is unnatural to the core for me.


Trying to explain how everything connects can be frustrating for me. I don't understand how other people don't see the associations and relationships between ideas and events. I'm always toying with several possibilities, theories or links at one time. Life is like a spider's web - everything that happens, every idea, every relationship - it's all connected in one way or another.


I have a sense of right or wrong that I can't really put into words. It's innate and central to who I am as a person. When I do something that is "wrong" but I can't figure out why it's wrong, I feel it on a gut level. When I'm in a situation where people are doing something that goes against my values or my instincts I feel almost physically sick because the conviction is so strong within me.


I can easily debate an issue from any position or perspective. I have so much data in my mind and I can see so many angles that if I wanted I could win any argument. Each data point in my mind is connected to several other data points. I can see logical arguments against any rule, theory, or belief system. Because of this it's harder for me to definitively state what is true than what is false or unknowable.


I am an avid and enthusiastic student of human nature. I feel compelled to observe human behavior and interactions and am constantly revising my understanding of the social groups, cultures, and communities I come across. Because of this I intuitively know what will or won't motivate people and when people are being genuinely nice or just keeping up with social expectations. I'm surprised when other people don't notice the social and interpersonal dynamics that seem so obvious to me!


I catch glimpses of effective ways to do things - ways that are new and innovative. But so many people are focused on doing things the traditional way or the way they're used to. This is very frustrating for me and sometimes I feel like I'm having to drag people towards progress against their will.


I feel like I have to make a concerted effort to stay "in the moment". I look at something and I don't see exactly what it is. I envision where it will be in 10, 50 or 100 years. I see its origins, its meaning, or the symbolism behind it. I catch glimpses of how things will unfold that are sometimes inspiring and sometimes unsettling. I have to work to pull myself back into the present moment and sometimes I realize that I've "spaced out" of events that are going on around me.


It takes a lot to really, truly surprise me. I have a strong sense about how things will unfold and I spend so much time strategizing and predicting that I feel unfazed by events that rattle other people. I'm even gratified when things play out exactly as I anticipated and people look at me with a "how did you know?!" face.


I feel like so many people work themselves up over what "could" happen or what has happened. What's the point? There is so much in front of you right now. Enjoy life, use life, or put up with it your situation until things improve. But why waste time commiserating over the past or fearing the future when you have this one moment full of possibility right in front of you?


I am at my best in a crisis. I love the adrenaline rush that comes from responding to my environment, a disaster, or a problem reflexively and in the moment. I'm the kind of person that jumps into the deep end of the pool without thinking - I enjoy a risk. I learn by doing hard things. I activate myself through action and testing my abilities and my wits. That's what makes life interesting for me.


I don't understand people who give into peer pressure easily. I could never do something just because someone else wants me to do it or it's "normal". I like being my own person. If that makes me different I'm okay with that. I don't understand how so many people can live in conflict with their values if it's the socially "acceptable" thing to do. I don't understand cliques or groups of bullies who feed off of each other's anger and don't listen to their own conscience.


I tend to have unpopular opinions, but I don't share them with everyone. I don't feel the need to "prove" myself to people who are stuck in their ways. Sometimes people think I'm verbally attacking them, or putting down their beliefs or traditions, but this surprises me because I'm not naturally combative with people. I don't really care about having to be right to anyone other than myself.


I seem to just know what other people need. When I'm in a room it's like I can "absorb" the overall mood of the people there. I assume that everyone can do this and I'm surprised when I find out they don't. I tend to know what kind of gifts people would like or which people would make good friends or terrible enemies. I feel compelled to bring unity and harmony to any group I'm in.


People misunderstand my need for good-natured debate. They assume I'm angry or being confrontational when I'm really just trying to analyze something out loud with another human being. I enjoy debate because it gives me new ideas and perspectives and allows me to be a sounding board with others.


I can usually sense when something is not right with another person. I notice when they start getting stiff, rigid, or uncomfortable. I notice when they're not acting in the way that's typical for them. Small details, things that would evade other people, seem glaringly obvious to me. This makes me very aware of when people are upset, shy, awkward, or even lying.


When I'm faced with a problem I don't usually panic because during my lifetime I collect "lessons", tools, and ideas that I can recall at a moment's notice. Therefore, when I'm faced with an issue I simply need to locate the right lesson or solution in my mind to use in that moment. I have an extremely detailed memory for these things. If I've never encountered a similar problem before then it just gives me a chance to learn!

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