Why each type uses social media

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INFJs who use social media often do so to keep in touch with loved ones or potentially make new friends. For the INFJ who is feeling especially introverted, making friends online can be a great way to connect. They might struggle to find people around them who understand them- but sometimes connecting with people who have shared interests can help them feel close to others. INFJs might feel the urge to deactivate their accounts for a period of time, especially if they feel too engrossed in the time they spend on social media. INFJs have a tendency to react emotionally to something, and then feel the need to step away for a while. This is perfectly acceptable, and can actually be a healthy way for them to explore the physical world around them. When INFJs do use social media, it is usually to maintain connections with people.


ENFJs often feel like social media is a great way to share parts of their lives with people they care for. They won’t usually add everyone under the sun, they simply add people who they feel connected to. Social media is a great avenue for the ENFJ to share photos and stories about their personal lives. This helps them feel connected to their loved ones, especially when their lives get extremely busy. Being able to have a place to remain close to the people they care about, even if they don’t live near them- is truly a great thing for an ENFJ.


Many INFPs might find that social media can become overwhelming for them if they dive into it for too long. They might go through periods of deactivating just so that they can regain their mental health. The only reason most INFPs keep social media accounts is to remain connected with friends and loved ones. They still might feel the need to take some time away, so that they don’t become too distracted by it. INFPs might dislike the idea of posting and sharing things that aren’t sincere, so they will rarely find time to actually post. If they do post, they will prefer to be honest and upfront with their social media followers/friends. It can also be a good place to share their art if they feel like they are ready to do so.


ENFPs often use social media as a way to read interesting articles and watch entertaining videos. They often won’t become too engrossed in the scrolling process, but will enjoy certain aspects of social media. ENFPs enjoy learning and exploring new things, and certain social media accounts can link them to many different possibilities. They will most likely open their accounts when they receive messages or notifications from friends and loved ones. Other than that the ENFP likely enjoy different videos that make them laugh, and articles that enrich their minds.


INTJs most likely use social media for various public or business accounts. They will want to utilize what social media has to offer in a much more logical way. They probably don’t spend much time socializing on their accounts- and prefer to use them for business endeavors. The INTJ who has their own business, will also find that social media is extremely useful. If they use these accounts for personal use, it is likely to vent or share ideas or different things that they find important or interesting. Using it as a way to help others learn and understand, is also beneficial for the INTJ. They also might enjoy using social media as a way to collect information, and various funny memes.


ENTJs will likely not consider social media to be a distraction- and might even find that people who say this simply lack discipline. ENTJs will utilize social media when it is necessary, for things like business accounts and networking. They also might find it useful for connecting with loved ones, especially if they are too busy to visit them in person. ENTJs might not use social media constantly, but they are smart enough to know that it can have many positive uses, as well as negative ones.

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