Reacting to compliments 😊😶😳🙈

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INFJs are often very willing to dish out compliments to people, and enjoy seeing people smile. They often enjoy praise from their loved ones, but it can also make them feel a bit bashful. They will usually feel extremely awkward when someone compliments them in person, and might be too shy to react well. INFJs enjoy knowing that their loved ones think highly of them, but might not handle the praise very well in person. Over text or through writing INFJs will often be better at receiving these compliments. They still might argue against them, and attempt to ensure that person that they aren’t as great as they think. INFJs are very hard on themselves, and sometimes do not believe the praise they are receiving.


ENFJs often enjoy praising their loved ones, and they enjoy receiving compliments as well. They might act a bit bashful, but they thoroughly enjoy the compliments. They love knowing that their efforts are being noticed, since they work very hard to care for others. ENFJs are constantly trying to better themselves and their environment, and are acutely aware of the emotional needs of others. Because of this natural desire to help people, ENFJs actually enjoy being appreciated for this hard work. They are constantly doing good things for the people around them, and they need to know that this is being noticed. When people compliment the ENFJ and show them appreciation, it makes them extremely happy.


INFPs often enjoy receiving compliments, they just don’t always feel entirely comfortable with them. They will often become shy, and might not know how to properly react to receiving praise. They enjoy knowing that people think highly of them and love feeling appreciated, but often struggle with knowing how to react. INFPs prefer compliments that are sincere and well thought out, and don’t want people to just say things that they do not mean. If the compliment comes from someone that the INFP trusts and values, they will definitely appreciate the kind words. The compliments might make the INFP feel awkward, simply because it is drawing a lot of attention to them.


ENFPs often enjoy compliments a lot, even if they act a bit awkward when receiving them. They might attempt to pass them off, especially if they are trying to appear humble. ENFPs enjoy knowing that people think highly of them, and they love knowing that they are appreciated. They are commonly very good at giving compliments, and will shower their loved ones with constant affection. They enjoy making other people smile, and know that using the right words can definitely bring someone’s mood up. ENFPs enjoy hearing what their loved ones think about them, and will often soak up the compliments, especially if they are sincere.


INTJs sometimes feel like compliments are forced, which makes them feel uncomfortable. They feel like they will have to react a certain way when someone compliments them, which can sometimes feel insincere to the INTJ. They dislike being forced to feel a certain way about something, making compliments confusing for them. They are often very critical of themselves, which can make praise almost an annoyance to them. Being told they are doing good at something, makes the INTJ feel like people are being insincere- since they always believe they could be improving. That doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy a well thought out and sincere compliment about the things that they value most, they just might not react very well to this praise at first.


ENTJs enjoy working hard, but also enjoy when people appreciate this. When someone gives a meaningful and well thought out compliment to the ENTJ, they will enjoy it very much. They dislike foolish compliments that are just meant to flatter, and might even become annoyed with someone over praising them. When the ENTJ receives compliments that they believe to be true, they will definitely receive them well. It is nice to know that people are taking notice to their efforts, since ENTJs value being efficient and hard-working.

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