Their super-secret side

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This is one of the most practical of all the personality types. You like to get down to it and get things done in a sensible, businesslike manner. However, your practicality often gets mistaken for being an "all work, no play" type.

At first glance, you may even seem uptight to some people. But, they couldn't be more wrong about you! Deep down, you actually love to have fun and set loose. Since your willingness to get projects and tasks done always comes first, most people will see this practical side of you long before they see your fun-loving side. But once it comes out, get ready — because an ISTP sure knows how to party!

ISFP's are very much introverts. They're one of the more reserved and sensitive personality types. It can be hard to see past an ISFP's mental shell, which they often retreat into. This type is more of a thinker than a talker and they're perfectly comfortable withdrawing into their own creative minds for a while.

However, an ISFP has a whole other rarely seen side. Once they get close to people who they know they can trust, they're actually extremely sociable. This type loves to be with their squad and they're great people to hang out with as their naturally introverted personalities make them easygoing and super comfortable to be around. An ISFP offers a one-of-a-kind warm companionship that's totally drama-free.

This type is often seen as the fun, fun, fun, on-the-go people. While it is true that an ESTP likes to have a good time, they do have a hidden serious side. They rarely let others see this part of themselves because it's less familiar territory even to them, so it's hard to reveal this side in front of other people. Being the outgoing, center of attention is more comfortable for an ESTP, but it doesn't mean that they never take the time to think about deeper matters.

People with this personality type are born entertainers. They love nothing more than to be in the limelight, basking in the attention of all of their friends. It's hard to see past the flashy persona that ESFPs exude. But, they actually have a whole other layer. You won't spot it during the first impression of them, but an ESTP is a very sensitive, empathetic person. They can always sense when their loved ones are feeling upset or sad and are more than happy to give them all the advice and support they need. This tends to bring out a whole other side to the ESFP.

An ISTJ is usually characterized by their stubborn nature and a faithful devotion to living by the rules. Due to these qualities, they can seem old-fashioned and narrow-minded. However, an ISTJ is actually a jack-of-all-trades.

Deep down, they're versatile and bursting with a large variety of knowledge. ISTJs have incredible minds that are constantly churning with fresh ideas. It's just that an ISTJ doesn't always feel comfortable verbalizing their ideas and would prefer to work on them alone, which is why this part of their personality is seldom seen.

This type is known for being one of the most introverted. They're highly private individuals, often keeping their feelings and thoughts inside. An ISFJ often gets mistaken for being passive and detached. But, this is far from the truth.

In fact, an ISFJ is very aware of everything around them, but prefers to observe and take everything in instead of being the first one to voice their opinions. Deep down, this type has just as many feelings as anyone else, but will not be as quick as others to announce them.

​ESTJ's are born leaders with strong personalities. They believe that with hard work and tenacity, they can achieve anything. An ESTJ is often first seen as being the no-nonsense, stubborn type who refuses to take anyone else's opinions into consideration. Although this type can be stubborn sometimes, it's only because they're so loyal to who they are and to their own opinions.

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