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(I believe I can make the best decisions by weighing what people care about and the points-of-view of persons involved in a situation. I am concerned with values and what is the best for the people involved. I like to do whatever will establish or maintain harmony. In my relationships, I appear caring, warm, and tactful.

•I have  a people or communications orientation.
•I am concerned with harmony and nervous when it is missing.
•I look for what is important to others and express concern for others.
•I make decisions with my heart and want to be compassionate.
•I believe being tactful is more important than telling the "cold" truth.
•Sometimes I miss seeing or communicating the "hard truth" of situations.
•I am sometimes experienced by others as too idealistic, mushy, or indirect.)


A man with a glass eye accidently swallows it one day. Two weeks later he visits the doctor and complains about stomach pain but doesn't mention the glass eye. The doctor, examining the patient, asks him to bend over. When the doctor takes a look, only to find an eyeball looking back at him, he says, "Listen, if I'm going to help you, you've got to learn to trust me."

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