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Special announcement from the official site.


When you think of 16Personalities, what comes to mind? If you answered, “Information about human personality types,” you’re wrong – at least, you will be soon.
In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be taking on a new focus: 16Pet-sonalities.

Did you know there’s a huge gap in the market for pet personality typology? In our opinion, this has been a major blind spot among researchers and consumers alike.
16Pet-sonalities will fill this market gap by applying personality analysis to our four-legged friends, as well as pet birds, reptiles, aquatic animals, and amphibians. We’re even developing a model that can assess personality differences among Chia Pets.
This April 1st, we’re giving you a very special sneak peek of 16Pet-sonalities. Please read on for “The 16 Personality Types as Pets,” a rigorous analysis based on absolutely no data.

The 16 Personality Types as Pets

Architect (INTJ)

In the pet world, the animal most associated with the Architect personality type is the hedgehog. When people try to force them to do things, these animals curl into a tight ball, aiming their trademark prickles at anyone who tries to mess with them.
So if you do decide to mess with them, expect them to show some spine.

Logician (INTP)

The Logician personality type is common among pet rats. These animals aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, and they’re known to bite strangers who try to get close to them. That said, rats are surprisingly intelligent and curious, with a high tolerance for ambiguity. Why else would they keep ending up in mazes?

Commander (ENTJ)

Believe it or not, cats are the most likely pet to have the Commander personality type. Without hardly lifting a paw, these pets know how to command attention. They also have an uncanny knack for getting people to do what they want – or, even better, for getting people to want to do what they want.
Now, if you try to get them to do what you want – well, don’t be surprised if they do exactly the opposite.

Debater (ENTP)

The Debater personality type is prevalent among green tree pythons, a type of pet snake recommended for owners in search of a challenge. Green tree pythons enjoy messing with expectations: for starters, they’re not always green. They also have a reputation for being a tad aggressive under certain circumstances.
As long as you let them do things their way, though, they probably won’t bite you. Probably.

Advocate (INFJ)

Service dogs are known for channeling their inner Advocate. Even if they come across as a bit reserved or aloof, these dogs are loving and dedicated. And they’re happiest when they have a sense of purpose – especially if that purpose involves helping someone who really needs it.
Of course, if you urge them to participate in some kind of frivolous game, they might give you their “Excuse me, I am very busy and important” face.

Mediator (INFP)

The Mediator personality type can often be found among sugar gliders. A bit like dreamy Mediators, these possum-like pets are known for their ability to glide through the air. Like any good Introvert, sugar gliders love curling up and hiding in soft, pouch-like beds. Curious, snuggly, and supersensitive, they develop incredibly deep, lasting bonds with their people and with their mates.
If you get one of these, expect to cuddle. A lot.

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