The creepiest thing about you

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ISTJ Is Totally Robotic


Logical, responsible, and organized, you ISTJ (introversion, sensing, thinking, judging) personality types are exactly the kind of person everyone wants on their group project. However, those same qualities, combined with your natural shyness, can make you come across asrobotic sometimes. Crack a smile or two at parties, and you'll be amazed how much more willing people are to talk to you.

ISFJ Collects Creepy Things


Warm, caring, and stable, ISFJ is probably one of the least creepy personality types on this list. Well, it would be if you didn't have such an extensive collection of vintage porcelain dolls lining the walls of your bedroom. You might think they're cute, but not everyone agrees.

INFJ Is, Like, Really Intense


Thought to be the least common personality type, you INFJs are a rarity, but you're in good company.
You may be quiet on the outside, but that belies an intellectual, driven inner landscape. In fact, you're probably out to save the world — or at least part of it. While you might achieve your goal, this combination of confidence and ambition can come across as way too obsessive sometimes.

ISTP Looks Out For Themselves


ISTP is the cool, analytical type, but your rational nature is balanced out by a sense of adventure. Although it's landed you in hot water before, you usually come out of the shenanigans intact. However, that might be because you're always looking out for yourself, which doesn't always go over well with other people. Whatever — you're just realistic, right?

ISFP Stalks Social Media


You may be introverted, but you care deeply about other people. While you might prefer to stay in on Friday nights, you like to make sure your friends are okay throughout the night. Over the years, this has led to the formation of a slightly creepy internet stalking habit. You know everything about everyone, and you can't tear yourself away from your phone for more than a few hours. Frankly, you dread the day you accidentally "like" your ex-best friend's sister's Instagram post from 2013.

INFP Fantasizes About People They Know


An INFP personality type can usually be found staring off into space, living out some elaborate scenario they've concocted. You're a thinker with a deeply-held moral code, and you like to mentally review all your options before you make a decision. All that daydreaming can get a little weird, though, when you start fantasizing about your friends' lives — not in a sexy way, but imagining where they'll end up in life. As far as creepy traits go, it's pretty harmless.

INTP Brings Up Awkward Subjects


INTP types prefer to be alone for many reasons, up to and including a hatred for social norms. You're polite when it suits you, but you prefer to be straightforward in your conversations. When you have something to say, no topic, from sex to bodily functions, is off-limits. People will get over it eventually.

ESTP Is A Smooth Talker


An ESTP personality is observant and clever, making them the quintessential smooth operator. You can convince anyone to do pretty much anything, whether it's trying a food they know they hate or choosing a party theme, before they even realize it's happening. It's a little unsettling, so use your powers for fun, not evil.

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