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When the pie was finished, Hilda had said goodbye to David who had forgotten what happened, then Hilda got ready for bed. She woke up Frida to do the same, then they set up her sleeping bag. During the night, a desperate being wanted to feast on a little something, called nightmares.

Whose? Frida's.

What started as a wonderful dream with Hilda, grew worse, and worse, and worse. "You're not good enough for me, I can ride a woff! You couldn't even hold on to a Lindworm." Hilda hissed.

"You said it was okay-" Frida fought back.

"Did I? Or was it to make you feel like you were worth something."

Frida stumbled back, falling down, Hilda scowling at her. "I don't even know why we're friends. Can't even believe why you thought you could ever, be with someone like me." Hilda threw back her hair, walking away.

"Wait H-Hilda-" Frida scrambled up. "Please--"

The Hilda distanced herself, going in to the dark, Frida shooting up. "Ah- Oh geez--" Frida looked around the dark room.

"Nice dream?"

Frida turned her head towards the window, "You.."

"Little ol' me." The marra smirked. "I know you missed me."

Frida looked away, wiping away her growing tears, the marra raising a brow. "Did..That actually hurt you?"

"No duh.." Frida sniffled, wiping her nose. "Please just leave.."

Kelly sat up, frowning, "I can..Check her dreams if you want..To see what she really thinks about you..Or you know- Whatevs.."

Frida shook her head, "No..Just leave, please.."

Kelly snapped, turning in to a green mist, sliding out the crack of the window. Frida sighed quietly, wiping the stray tears with her sleeve, laying back down. She dozed back off, but the nightmares still came. Hilda hated her. This fear was gradually getting to Frida, hurting her.

Til, randomly, they stopped. She felt so warm now..Like someone was giving her a tight hug? Frida liked it, she felt safe. She tensed, hesitantly opening her eyes, being able to see, just barely. "Hilda..?"

The bluenette tiredly spoke, "Please stop crying Frida.."

The brunette felt her cheek, wiping her face. "Sorry.."

Hilda shook her head slowly, pulling Frida close, "I..Should be sorry..I came in to your sleeping bag.."

Frida glanced down, slipping out, "I did kind of think your bed felt rather nice.."

Hilda got out of the sleeping bag, getting up and on to her bed. She held her arms out, Frida going over and falling in to her grasp. Hilda fixed the blankets over her, pulling Frida close. "Better?" Hilda asked.

Frida nodded, "Yes, thank you.."

Hilda adjusted on the bed a bit, bring- ing Frida closer, the brunette nuzzling in to Hilda's chest. "So warm.." Frida sighed contentedly.

"Night Frida.."

"Mm..Goodnight Hilda.."

----------------The next morning--------------

"Frida, Hilda, time for school." Johanna opened the door, peeking in.

She let out a small gasp, smiling softly, closing the door quietly. "I'll give them a few more minutes.."

Frida gripped Hilda's shirt, groaning quietly. "Huh..?"

She heard Johanna's footsteps fade away, sighing quietly. Frida pushed herself up slightly, running her hand through her messy hair. "Ugh..I've got a headache.." She mumbled, glancing down. "Ah-"

Hilda shuffled a bit, pulling Frida back over herself, turning to the side. "Bright.." She grumbled, hiding her face in the crook of Frida's neck.

Frida tensed, Hilda letting out a small sigh. "Pft-" Frida giggled, pushing Hilda back gently. "That tickles!" She whispered.

Hilda whined, covering her face, "So bright.."

Frida shuffled about, sitting up, Hilda whining about Frida not blocking the sun for her. "Come on, we have to get ready for school."


The clock house door opened, Alfur jumping out, stretching, "Let's get- Oh uh--" He looked down at Frida's sleeping bag, then at the bed. "Right-"

Hilda pulled Frida over herself again, turning away from the window, keeping Frida hostage. "Hilda, school! Wake up!"

"It's cold..You're warm..I'm tired..You, are not..Hand.." Hilda hummed.

Frida sighed, running her hand through Hilda's already messy hair, Alfur deciding to close his door and hide in his home. "We need to go and ready ourselves."


Frida glanced back at the floor, Hilda taking the little free space, nuzzling in to the crook of Frida's neck. "I'll give you a choice. Get up now, or fall."


Frida wrapped her arms around Hilda, pushing herself off to the edge of the bed. Hilda gripped the sheets, "Frida--"


"Frida don't be stupid-- Get up--"




Hilda lost her grip, falling off the bed with Frida and on to the sleeping bag. "Hehehe~" Frida giggled at her victory.

"Ugh.." Hilda sat up, rubbing her head. "Frida..You scamp..!"

The brunette pushed herself up a bit, smiling, "Now you have to get up."

Hilda grumbled, "Worst morning of my life.." She groggily stood, pulling Frida up. "Why do you wake up so early.."

"Well I heard your mom, so I decided to wake up too." Frida answered. "I'm going to go get ready, okay?"

Hilda pulled Frida close, pressing her forehead against Frida's shoulder. "I still need sleep..And you didn't say good morning or anything.."

"Neither did you."

"..I helped you fall asleep last night.."

"Did you now?"

Hilda nodded slowly, "You owe me."

"What, exactly?"

"..I'll figure it out.."

"While you're doing that, go, and get ready."

Hilda gripped Frida's shirt, shaking her head. "It's cold.."

"You have my jacket don't you?"

"Yeah but.."

"Go. Get. Ready."

Hilda grumbled, letting Frida go, heading to her closet. "Can't a gal get at least five more minutes of sleep?"


"Ugh! I'm getting ready! I'm getting ready.."

As their adventure continues.

You Were My Best Finding In An Adventure. [Hilda Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now