[4 part 2]

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Frida hummed quietly as she ran her hand through Hilda's hair, glancing down at her. "Hilda, your moms here. Wake up.." Frida gently nudged her.

The brunette pulled her knees close to her chest, coughing, "Coming.." She mumbled, sitting up.

Frida got up, walking with Hilda to Johanna's car. "Need a ride Frida?" Johanna asked.

"No thanks, I'm staying for awhile longer to do some work for the class."

"Need me to pick you up after?"

Frida shook her head, "My father is coming to pick me up after, thank you though."

Hilda got in the passenger seat, leaning back, removing her jacket, "I'll see you tomorrow Hilda." Frida spoke.

"Yeah..See you.." Hilda nodded slowly, folding the jacket neatly.

Frida waved at Johanna, turning and walking back towards the school, hearing the car drive off. Silence once again. Also a lack of warm thighs.. Why is it so cold..?


Finally home. Frida turned the page in her book, awhing quietly, "They-- They finally kissed!" She sighed heavily. "Finallyyyy.."

The phone rang, Frida's mother coming in, humming quietly. She lifted the phone, pressing it up against her ear, "Hello? Oh! Johanna!" She nodded, humming. "You can't? Ohhh last day off of the month. Hm? I have work too..Oh, let me ask!"

Frida rose a brow, "Johanna was on?"

"Frida dear, it seems Hilda has gotten ill. Johanna is asking if you can come over to care for Hilda while she's out working."

"Hilda's sick--?"

Her mother nodded. "I can drop you off on my way if you'd like?"

Frida got her book, rushing to her room, "Get the keys mom!"


Alfur took the thermometer, reading it, humming nervously. "39.5.."

Hilda panted, groaning quietly, turning to face the window. "So hot.."

"Hilda there's literally snow outside! It's not hot!" Alfur exclaimed. "Put on that blanket! Now! Tontu help!"

He came out of the closet with a much warmer blanket, rushing over, thro- wing it on top of Hilda. Three taps on the window took everyone's attention. "It's cold! Let me in!" The Raven screeched.

Tontu hopped on the bed, opening the window enough to let the bird in, then closed it. "Where have you been?" Alfur sassed.

"On Raven business." The bird shook himself from the snow, examining Hilda. "Fever? Is anyone going to care for her?"

"Frida's coming over as we speak, she should be about ten minutes-"

The door was kicked open, Frida coming in with Twig on her shoulder. "Hilda--"

"Too hot.." The bluenette panted.

Tontu and Raven got off the bed, going to the desk, "Alfur, what's her temperature?" Frida asked, checking how many blankets Hilda was under.

"Ah- 39.5-" He answered.

Frida removed a blanket from under two layers, "This ones too heavy, it gives out too much heat as well." Frida layed it out on the floor, folding up the blanket.

Hilda tensed, then relaxed slightly. Frida moved Hilda's hair back, the bluenette whining quietly, "What do you want for lunch Hilda?"

"Muh..?" Hilda tiredly questioned.

"Lunch, Hilda. What would you like?"


Frida caressed Hilda's cheek, "You need to eat something.."

Hilda leaned in to Frida's palm, turning and nuzzling it, "Tired.."

Twig hopped on the bed, sniffing her out, "Twig, be my hand while I go make a soup."

The deer fox nodded, letting out a small bark, nuzzling in between Hilda and Frida, the bluenette taking him as a little plushie. "So soft.."

Frida carefully stepped out, the other three following her. "So, quick uh- Question-" Frida muttered, closing the door. "Why is there a bird in here?"

"I'm a raven and am Raven." The bird held out his wing. "Helga has told me so much about you French Fry."

"Frida, actually." Alfur corrected. "Her name is Frida."

"I'm bad at names Apple." Raven said softly. "Tortilla, thanks again for opening the window."

"No problem?" Tontu nervously scratched his head.

Alfur waved Frida down, the girl picking him up, walking towards the kitchen. "Hey! Fillet! Can you make me some cheesy foods?"


"Why not? Happy would."

"I'm not Hilda, also- You're saying my name wrong!" Frida hissed. "If Hilda talks about me so much like you say, shouldn't you know my name?"

"Because that's not she refers to you as Free-duh." He mocked.

Alfur shushed him, "Raven! She isn't to know!" He exclaimed, jumping down, running to be in front of him.

"Know?" Frida clarified.

"Come on Appetite! I've opened the hole, we've reached the water again! It's time to drop the bucket and reel it up." Raven waved his wing.

Alfur shook his head, Tontu reaching under the couch, pulling out a bag of popcorn kernels. "Fire?" Tontu held up the bag to Frida.

The witch gazed at it, then lightly shrugged, "Sure." She muttered a few words, poking the bag, the popcorn popping.

She sat by Tontu, both watching the argument unfold. "Hilda told us for a reason!" Alfur argued.

"To tell Fruity!"

"Frida!!" Alfur huffed. "I'm going to start calling you absurd names now Rooster."

Raven gasped, "You didn't."

"I did." Alfur crossed his arms.

Raven lowered himself, opened his mouth, and chomp! Ate Alfur. Frida spit out her popcorn, scrambling up, opening the Raven's mouth. "SPIT HIM OUT!!"

The raven coughed, gagging and spitting Alfur out. The elf trembled, saliva dripping down his body, a bit of bunny fur on him. Alfur shakily exhaled, falling back and fainting. What an unlucky afternoon..


"Ah.." Frida held the spoon out, making sure the bowl would be stable in her lap.

Hilda hesitantly drank the soup on the spoon, nervously swallowing. Frida gathered more soup, and a bit of the meat in the spoon, holding it out to Hilda. She took another careful bite, humming quietly. "Alfur, get the thermometer will you?"

The elf placed his hat down, taking the thermometer, sliding it off the desk and on to Frida's palm. "Check your temperature, I'll be back with your medicine."

Hilda took it, nodding slowly, Frida getting up with the bowl, returning to the kitchen. She served more soup, finding the medicine, a different spoon, and returned to Hilda. "Mm.." Hilda held out the thermometer.

Frida took it, handing the bowl to Hilda, "Went down to 39 even.." Frida mumbled, glancing up at Hilda. "So sweaty.."

"Hot.." Hilda mumbled. "Too hot.."

Frida sighed quietly, "You guys need to get out, Tontu, I'm going to need a towel and a bowl of water.."

As their adventure continues.

You Were My Best Finding In An Adventure. [Hilda Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now