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Saturday. Sparrow Scout meeting.

Frida was early as usual, having researched today's task so she could get more points for her Study Badge. But, to her suprise, she wasn't the first one there. "Hilda?"

The bluenette perked up, smiling brightly as she saw- "Frida!" Hilda held her arms out.

Frida rushed over, jumping in to Hilda's grasp, hugging her tightly. She squeezed her, sighing quietly, "Mm.." Frida nuzzled in to her shoulder, relaxing in her arms. "Ugh now I want to go back to sleep.."

Hilda giggled, picking Frida up, causing her to yelp and pull back a bit. "We are early, a little nap won't do you any harm right?"

Frida thought for a second, then nodded. "It takes me awhile to wake up from a nap, you of all people should know Hilda.." Frida mumbled.

Hilda smiled slightly, "I know..But I care about you. And if napping will make you not mad, then I'll help you nap."

Frida sighed, cupping Hilda's face, "I know you would." Frida leaned in, pressing her cheek against Hilda's lips. "Nineteen please."

Hilda pulled back a bit, kissing Frida's cheek again before looking around. "One sec." She walked towards the stage, sitting Frida down. "Here we are. Nineteen?"

"Mm." Frida nodded.

Hilda exhaled, then sighed, "Alright."

She kissed Frida's forehead, cheek, nose, head, cheek again-- Frida seemed to like it on her cheek the most, so Hilda made sure to place kisses there. "Finally, nineteen." Hilda cupped Frida's face, kissing her nose. "Ta-Da~"

Frida hugged Hilda, causing the bluenette to flinch before hugging the brunette. Hilda squeezed Frida, sighing quietly, "Thank you."

"You are most welcome Frida." Hilda pulled back a bit, smiling up at her. "Be aware that once your kisses run out, I'll be raising the price!" She snickered.

Frida pouted, turning away and crossing her arms, "Unfair."

"Awh what?? Totally fair. You've gotten several kisses while I've only gotten about four! I need to keep my business up and running." Hilda teased.

Frida clicked her tounge, "Well I'm not paying for anymore kisses." She huffed.

Hilda caressed her cheek, "Then I guess..No more kisses..Only 179 to spare.."

Frida flinched. Hilda was right. If, no. When the kisses ran out, and she'd refuse to buy more, she would never get kisses again. "Hilda--"

"Hm? Sorry, I don't talk to those not willing to buy." She looked away.

Frida nodded, "I'll pay."

Hilda grinned, kissing Frida's cheek again. "Of course. But you're only allowed to buy more once you've run out."

"Okay. But I need to know your prices and when you'll have sales." Frida spoke.

Hilda laughed, humming happily, "I'll expect a kiss every five kisses I give you."


"If at one point you refuse to give me a kiss I will no longer sell you kisses and you'll have to bribe me."

Frida jumped at that. "Unfair.."

The door opened, Raven Leader walking in, "Oh- Hello girls." She smiled and waved. "Never seem to catch you two separated. Why is that?"

Hilda glanced up at Frida, her witch humming quietly, "I guess you could say.." Frida paused.

"We have an informal connection." Hilda smiled.

You Were My Best Finding In An Adventure. [Hilda Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now