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Hilda winced as Johanna tightened the gauze, glaring up at her mother before sighing, "Is it bad..?"

"Well, not as bad as last night. Also, you're going to need a new uniform."

Hilda gloomily looked up at her mom, "Did it get bloodied.."

Johanna lightly pat Hilda's cheek, "It's alright, you just wanted to protect your friends. I'd probably do the same." Johanna carefully taped the guaze down, moving Hilda's shirt back to its place. "Off you pop. Just be careful with it yeah?"

"Thanks mum." Hilda stood, walking over to the door.

She slid on her boots, patting her thigh, Twig scurrying up and rushing after her. "I wish to join!" Alfur exclaimed.

Twig trot back to him, Alfur hopping on his antler, "We'll be back for lunch Mum!" Hilda smiled, waving as the three left the building.

Hilda closed the door, cautiously but quickly going downstairs, waving at the neighbor and exiting the building. "Who shall we stop for first?" Hilda asked.

"Frida no? She is relatively close!" Alfur smiled.

"Alright! But, we have to plan what we're doing today-- The lindworm! Let's go visit her, I quite miss her--"

Twig barked, Hilda looking down at him, the deer fox facing the wall. "Bark! Nnmmrff.."

"..Well..I suppose we didn't tell Mum where we'd be today. Let's go visit our house."


Took a wrong turn, Woodman found them. "What brings you back?" Woodman spoke, taking his cup of tea.

"Well, we planned to visit our old house. But we went the wrong way." Hilda uttered, gently scratching at her cup.

Woodman sipped on his beverage, turning towards Alfur, "I thought Elves were better at directions."

"This time it was not the case." Alfur smiled nervously. "Riding on a human makes it harder to read the signs than on a bunny."

Woodman looked back to Hilda, "Then, what's your excuse?"

"I wanted to avoid the troll I stuck in to the ground." Hilda sighed. "It's right next to my house, I don't know if it's still there."

Woodman sipped his tea, "Find out. If it is still there, I suppose you'd be a foe to beasts." He stood. "Please leave, I helped you recall where you were at, I think I've done enough."

Hilda rolled her eyes, standing and picking up Alfur. "Have a nice night Woodman, we'll see you around."

"I certainly hope not!"

Twig trot up ahead, Hilda opening the door. They stepped out, Hilda closing the door, walking down the path. Twig sniffed the area, yipping and rushing up ahead. Hilda walked a little faster to catch up, Twig hopping on a rock, sniffing it out. "It..Didn't free itself?" Alfur asked aloud.

"Doesn't look like it..But it does look like it put up a good try.." Hilda pointed to the marks in the ground.

Alfur hummed, tapping his chin, "Well. You've become friends with the oddest of creatures, what's one more?"

Hilda pulled a hair tie from her wrist, moving her hair up and tying it up. "Nothing I suppose, just a new addition to the beastiary."


It took Hilda an hour and a half to dig out the troll, having made an apology in the mud in front of it. When the sun was setting a bit, the trees made it darker for the troll, and she waited in the trees. Twig whimpered, this was a bad idea- "Hush boy.."

The troll growled as it was free from the sun's gaze, glancing down. It read the apology, huffed, and walked off. Then it tripped and fell in to the sun's line of sight. It hardened, letting out a pained cry before freezing. Hilda hopped down, rushing around the trees and gathering branches with leaves on it.

She ripped a vine from a tree, tying all the branches together, a makeshift umbrella being her first creation in awhile. She held it up in front of the troll, only part of it cracking. "Mmnnff.."

Hilda smiled nervously, holding the umbrella up higher. It freed its hand, taking the umbrella. Hilda rushed to the branches, gathering more, returning to the troll. She covered it, the troll stumbling forward, "...."

"I'm terribly sorry about getting you stuck in the mud. You must've been scared, you were stuck for over a day.."

The troll reached out, hesitantly patting Hilda's head. The two walked quietly towards the mountain, Twig and Alfur lingering behind. Slowly but surely, by the time the sun was partly covered, Hilda managed to drop off the troll without incident. "Good luck.."

It looked back at her, and waved, walking in to the mountain. Hilda placed the umbrellas down, picking up Twig. "Home?"

"Yes please--" Alfur blurted out, writing in his journal. "I'm very close to finishing this, I need a new one!"

Hilda allowed Twig to jump down, and raced him back in to town. First one back would get to pick where to sleep on the bed tonight. But it was pointless. When Hilda panted, slowing down and walking towards the apartment doors, she heard a voice. "Hilda!"

"Muh?-" She glanced up, gasped, and held her arms out.

Frida jumped in to her arms, nuzzling her cheek, "Hilda.."

"Yeah?" Hilda set Frida down.

"Y..You didn't get the badge.." Frida mumbled.

Hilda perked up, "What?"

"You were supposed to come today-- Raven Leader didn't believe us when we told her you were with us the entire time-" Frida rushed. "I'm really sorry.."

Hilda shook her head, "It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. Are you staying over?" She signaled to Frida's bag.

"Hm-? Yes, my parents are going out of town and won't be back til tomorrow afternoon. Johanna knows."

Hilda nodded, opening the door, "It seems light, did you not bring a sleeping bag?"

"Nope." Frida said proudly, marching upstairs.

Twig and Hilda followed, Alfur whining quietly as he ran out of room to write. Hilda opened the door, Twig rushing in to greet Johanna. Frida stepped in, Hilda following. She closed the door, smiling up at her mom, "There you are Frida. I was wondering when you would--"

Frida waved her hand, hushing Johanna, "I was caught up."

Johanna paused, then nodded, "Right. Well, shower, dinner, bed?"

"Yes Mum."


Hilda yawned as she groggily stepped towards her room, glancing back at Frida before stumbling towards her bed. She moved the covers, partially lying on the bed. "Come on.." Hilda yawned, holding her arms out.

Frida crawled on to the bed, relaxing in to Hilda. The bluenette helped her lie down, holding her close. Frida smiled slightly, nuzzling up, "Night Hilda.."

"Night Frida.." Hilda snuggled in to her pillow.

They soon relaxed, their breath softening, til it soon faded away, and they dozed off.

As their adventure continues.

You Were My Best Finding In An Adventure. [Hilda Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now