Chapter 1

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"Friollo!" Hearing Drayce's voice, I Immediately stood up from my sit and frowned when I saw my cousin and Morwanna shaking furiously, what's happening to them?

"What happened?" I asked with worry in my eyes. Drayce and Logan looked at each other before putting on a hopeless expression that answered my question. They do not know.

"And why are you two wearing gloves?" I asked with a frown, Drayce sighed before answering.

"They're very cold, even our heat can't cure them." He said that made me worry more, this can't be happening to them.

"Let's take them to my Sorcerer and healer, maybe he knows something." I said Immediately and they agreed.

Carefully, we took the girls to Kaan. My sorcerer and healer. When we got there, he immediately rushed towards us with a frown in his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, and I can see him shiver.

"I can smell a powerful magic aura from the girls, take them to sit here." He said and we placed the girls on the sits while Kaan was checking on them.

After a few minutes, we saw him flipping over books and reading them. We waited for a few more until he looked at us with an amazed expression.

"It's amazing, the girls can feel the energy of the winter dragon." He said that made the three of us look at each other with terrified expressions. A winter dragon?

We haven't seen one for almost 10 thousand years! Winter dragon, only 1 winter dragon can be born, and she will be mated to a fire dragon to make a powerful heir.

10 thousand years ago, there are no different kingdoms in the dragon realm, there is only one royal dragon that everyone vows to with respect.

And that dragon is the winter dragon, and her family. When a winter dragon meets a fire dragon, they will have a daughter to be an heir to the throne, but the most amazing thing about that is.. the egg is like a snow that isn't soft. It's hard as rock.

And the Queen must lay the egg on a snow and leave it there to freeze until it hatches, after the egg hatches, the snow would lead the baby to it's mother.

The reason why the winter dragon should be mated to a fire dragon is that their ice power is too dangerous, so the warm heat of a fire dragon can pleasure the cold of them, the winter dragon would not be a half winter and fire dragon, instead she will be a full winter dragon with the heat of her father to help her control her powers.

But.. the last queen was ruthless who abuses her power, their power was used to protect the dragons, but she used it to torture those who offend her or those she simply hate, maybe because they are more beautiful than her or more.

When she already killed 5,000 dragons with no good reasons, that's when the Dragon God and Goddess, vanished her from the world for good as punishment. That is when the dragon realm now have different kingdoms to rule.

But the last queen was dead, how.. How is a winter dragon alive in this century? And didn't I tell you? After a winter dragon becomes the heir to the throne, the mother that laid the egg of that heir will turn to snow and will carry on with her new life in the spirit realm.

"The-there is a winter dragon?" I asked him, trying to steady my body posture, to act composed.

"Surprisingly, yes. She just shifted." Kaan said with a smile, how could he smile? What if that other winter dragon turns out to be a bitch too? Even all the dragons in the kingdom won't be able to defeat her! Only her mate can beat her but still can't defeat her. Before we could even hurt her, we would turn into snow flakes.

"Don't be scared, this new winter dragon is someone far from the last queen's attitude." He said that made the three of us frown.

"What do you mean?" I asked, making him smile before speaking.

"Because that winter dragon has a warmer heart than any dragons, she can feel guilty immediately and couldn't even kill a single human. And she is also made to take back the throne, so you must inform the other kingdoms to take care of her throne Immediately." He said that made us sigh in relief.


"Mommy, what's happening? Is it christmas already?" The little boy asked her mother as snow flakes continue to fall time to time.

"What's happening?" The mother asked, trying to hug her son, but her eyes Immediately flickered to a tv inside the store, it is a news.

"Attention everyone, it's snowing in the middle of winter, we don't know if it's the climate change, but I want all the people to get into their homes for safety, just in case. Because people's body that gets touched by the snow are beginning to turn to ice." The reporter said making the mother worry.

"Let's go, baby." She took her son in her arms and ran towards her car at a fast speed.

Meanwhile, far away from the city, inside a cave full of ice, you can hear a deep and loud breathing of a white snowy beast with blue tummy, neck, nose and horns.

The beast opened her eyes and looked around before standing but soon fell to the ground with a loud thud as the ground shook a little.

She looked at herself and her face showed a freak out expression while looking around. "What am I? Why am like this? What happened to me?' She asked herself with utter disbelief.

She tried to move and ended up bumping to her ices and the rocks in her cave everytime. After getting out, she saw something from her back.

'Wings?' She asked in amazement and tried to flap it as she slowly rose from the ground with happiness inside her heart that she can actually fly.

But she frowned when she saw the whole forest and the town just outside of it.


'S..snow?' I thought inside my head, and I realized that it was mine because the roof of the houses are slowly turning into ice, Suddenly, my body started tingling furiously, which means some people got hit by my ice!

I was about to fly towards the town when I realized I'm a dragon, they would be freaked out seeing me, but if I turn into snow, I won't get to fly this high, Irony.

I landed on the ground and turned into a snow, flying towards the town. Once I arrive outside of it, I combined with my snow so they won't see me, just in case they are looking out their windows.

I used the help of my snow to find the people that got affected, I went inside to every houses without anyone noticing, I'm a snow now, I can get inside of any walls.

I got inside house to house, but the tingling still didn't stop, I just also continued to follow the sensation until I reached a hospital and I immediately heard alot of things happening inside.

"Please, my sister's body is turning to ice slowly, please!"

"No, help my son first!"

"What about my son, too?"

"My husband! Help my husband!"

I felt crying too while hearing their cries and begging. I turned into a human form far enough where people couldn't see me before looking at my self sadly.

This is all my fault, but how did this all happen? Oh yes! I'm a monster! I turned into a beast a while ago! I'm a fvcking monster, but I don't even know how to kill my self.

Me existing is dangerous for the people, they'll only get hurt because of me. Why can't I just be a normal human? And where is that fvcking necklace!?

Should I show my self? I can't cure them without anyone seeing me, there's too many of them! Too many!

Suddenly, an I idea crossed my mind, risky, but enough to cure some people. I sighed, I hope it'll work tho.

Done, Ohmygash, 1300 words, perfect. HAHAHA, Well, I hope you like this one. Enjoy!

NEXT UPDATE ; Dec. 2 - Dec. 3.


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