Chapter 8

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A tear fell from Evera's eyes looking at the colorful world of fairies, Giant baby butterflies and Dragonflies flying around freely.

There were colorful giant flowers where a few giant baby butterflies go to have a rest.

"This was our home, Friollo. It didn't change." Evera said, holding Friollo's hand, and Friollo held it back.

"Yes it is—"

"But as beautiful as the colors inside of this world, the colors of the Queen is not as beautiful." Evera added, making Friollo shut his mouth.

Evera began walking, followed by the others, trying to control their wings since it would flap time to time. Evera raised her hand and some masks made of leaf appeared in their mouth.

"It is normal to wear leaf masks here in the Fairy realm, we can hide our Identity. It's more quicker if we fly." Evera said with a serious expression.

Everyone nodded in understanding and they tried to control their wings and did what Evera told them so they could control it.

They all began to fly, Crossing through beautiful giant colorful flowers and other fairies with Different wings.

Some have Butterfly wings, Dragonfly wings, leafy wings, frosty wings, transparent wings, bird wings and more. It was so different.

Evera stopped, also making the others stop in their tracks.

"We're here, the fairy palace." Evera said, Glaring at the palace made of white wood in the outside but Brown wood in the inside, and with a Crystal gate.

They nodded at each other and Drayce landed on a grass before going to a side, close to the entrance where fairy guards were guarding.

Logan also went to the other side, ready to attack if the guards manage to see them.

Evera and Friollo looked at each other before flying towards the back of the beautiful wood palace, then there they saw the blue glass.

They first made sure no one was around before flying towards it and looking inside. When they saw no one, they made a move to go inside.

Flowers and leaves with dark colors appeared before them, they roamed their eyes around until Evera spotted what they are looking for.

"Sleepless Lyfiery." Evera said, glancing at Friollo who was giving her a thumbs-up.

They took the juice of the Sleepless Lyfiery and place them all to their own Syringes. They managed to make 16 Syringes with the Sleepless Lyfiery, Extra for just in case.

After the colors drained from all it's petals, they stopped and poured water on the dead pointy flower, then it again came back to life and became the normal Violet flower with it's Sleepless Lyfiery juices.

Evera and Friollo took off after arranging the the Syringes, Evera gave 8 Syringes to Friollo and went towards Drayce while Friollo flee towards Logan.

"Now it begins." Evera said, after landing beside Drayce, he immediately looked at Evera with a stunned expression before nodding.

Drayce took 4 Syringes from Evera and sneakily plugged it on the guards neck, the other guard noticed it, but before he could even make a move or shout, A syringe was also pierced on his skin too.

They all nodded and took a a move, Friollo and Logan took out the two Silent guns they brought and placed the Syringes on it, After that, Evera and Drayce went inside the palace with a smirk.

"Intruders! We have intru—" Before the fairy could finish his sentence, he was shot with the syringe from Friollo and fell to the floor.

Evera used her powers to close all the doors and only the people inside were left, Evera used her speed and Levitation powers together and took what is left in all the used Syringes before taking it inside the other Fairies.

The Violet Sleepless Lyfiery is a type of flower that can make any kind of Fairy fall into a deep sleep for 5 weeks, if added with the Red one, the fairies will be dead instead.

All the fairies inside fell to the ground but it was not quiet, alot of banging were heard outside, but Evera didn't worry about that, the Fairy Palace's door is Unbreakable.

"Friollo, can you feel her?" Evera asked her cousin and sighed when Friollo nodded slowly but with an unhappy expression.

"Her scent is too faint, I still can't track her." Evera just nodded with a sigh.

She then froze and held her chest while breathing deeply.

"Evera? 'cous, are you okay?" Friollo asked with a frown.

Evera couldn't take it anymore and she fell to his knees just before the door opened.

Evera looked up just to meet the eyes that are so familiar to her. The lady's eyes were beautiful but it was now filled with disbelief.

"This.. Eviella?" The Lady asked, letting out a gasp and tears spilled out from her eyes.

"I—don't know.. what you're talking about." Evera said while breathing heavily, glaring at the woman infront of her.

"Eviella, I know it's you. You all need to get out of here before your mother sees yo—"

"NO ONE IS GOING ANYWHERE!!" Suddenly, before the lady could finish her speech, a scary but weirdly elegant voice of a woman was heart throughout the room.

Evera's heart were filled with anger while looking at the woman, walking so elegantly towards her. Her heels were clicking smoothly against the white wood.

"Dear traitor of a daughter, The Fairy Goddess did say that she will give you another life with the demon, but it's a big surprise you're a Tribrid." The woman said, chuckling darkly.

Evera just glared at her angrily, she wants to pounce on her mother, but she was too weak. There was one thing she forgot, to drink blood.

"I see, you're thirsty for blood. But too bad the blood of a fairy is poisonous towards Vampires, or half Vampires." The queen said with a smirk.

"A fairy is Elegant, yes. But a Fairy queen should be kind to anyone, but you're not a fairy, you're a monster—" A slap landed on Evera's cheek, before she could even finish her sentence.

Drayce and Friollo were filled with anger, seeing Evera getting slapped by the woman, but they couldn't do anything as they felt themselves getting held by an Invisible force.

"You should never talk to your mother like that!" The woman shouted angrily, but she was surprised when Evera just laughed harshly.

"Mother? MOTHER!? YOU. ARE. NOT. MY. MOTHER!" Evera spat angrily, the Queen stood still and looked at Evera darkly.

"Bring them to the Prison." The Queen said, giving Evera and the guys a glare, but her eyebrows furrowed when she recognized Friollo.

"Friollo. So you were reincarnated too?" The Queen asked with a stunned expression but then laughed softly.

"Well, you're both trashes, and you're reincarnated and fated to be my Prisoners than a Royal, what a life!" The queen said while looking at the both disdainfully, then her gaze stopped at Drayce before her gaze darkened, and she turned around.

"Guard them well, Especially the boy I didn't talk with and only gave a dark expression. You already know what I meant." The Queen ordered, her back facing the four people.

"Yes, your Majesty." The guards said, the queen glanced at Evera one more time before walking at a fast space, making Evera's tear fall. Thinking that her mother really never changed.

Gosh, what a Drama. If only Evera didn't forget to drink blood 'no? Then they won't fail.

Well, I hope you'll like this, What do you think is gonna happen next?

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