Chapter 5

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Sometimes in life, there is something you will be surprised and literally be stunned of, and in this life, the New information I found out was what I was stunned the most.

I looked everywhere inside the castle and the designs, it was amazing and so warm, it warmed my snow, I wasn't even thinking anything but it didn't snow, it managed to control my powers.

"The fires are made by my powers, so it matches your power too," He said after getting out of Kaan's Office and bidding his Goodbye to his friends.

I blushed and slowly turned to looked at him shyly.

"So.. you're my mate, in earth is what they call Boyfriend or husband?" I asked, smiling softly.

He nodded before shoving his hands inside his pockets and giving me an Attractive smile, making me pout because of shyness.

"But it is more as a Husband, since we're dragons and Royals, our bond can never be broken, not even by a spell, so you're already my Wife." He explained, I just nodded in understanding.


"Uh.. Should I go back to Earth or just stay here?" I asked Awkwardly, looking at the black ground of the castle when I heard him chuckle attractively.

"Of course you're gonna stay here, you can sleep with me in my room if you want." He said, making me shiver, I just met him. Even though he is my mate, he is still a bit of a stranger to me.

"I want my own room.." I said, biting my bottom lip nervously, hoping that he would agree.

"Yeah, sure. We just met, so I know you're still not comfortable towards me." He said that made me nod as a response and I smiled at him Gratefully.

He took me to have dinner, we even talked after that and I liked his personality, I managed to get to know him better and him to me.

After the Dinner, he took me to my own room and we both said goodnight before he walked away to his room.

Of course, he still told me where his room is if ever I need his help, after he was gone, I closed the door and frowned when I got chilly.

Why is the warmness fading? I'm still in the Castle, I looked around and frowned deeper when I confirmed that I'm inside the castle but still feeling cold like the usual.

"Let's just sleep with him Frey So that we could get warm." I heard my dragon say inside my head, but I Immediately disagreed.

I never even slept with anyone beside my self for forever! If I get to sleep with him, he'll be the first person, so I'm uncomfortable sleeping beside a him, even tho he can make me feel warm and my powers to get in control.

I've been lonely ever since I was born, so I am a bit scared to get close to a person. Husband or not, I'm still uncomfortable.

"Let's sleep with the usual coldness for now, I'm used to it." I said and laid in the bed, blocking my dragon inside my head who was pestering me and begging for me to sleep beside him.

I just forced my self to sleep until I did managed to clime inside my dreamland, and I hope tomorrow would be amazing.


"Fiona, are you seriously doing this?"

"I need to, love. Or else our daughter would die."

"How could you say so? What if there was a miracl-"

"There is no miracle in this one, If I don't kill my self, our daughter would die and the old queen of the dragons will take her body inside my womb,"

"What is so bad about the last queen of dragons?"

"She's worst than a monster."

"But if you do that.. you'll die as soon as you give birth, and our daughter will still disappear so the snow could protect her soul from the old queen."

"You'll still meet her, I promise."


I woke up with sweat falling from my forehead, while hearing a few knocks coming from outside the door. What was that dream?

"Freya, are you there?" I heard Friollo's voice shout from the outside, I snapped out of my thoughts and Immediately replied to him.

"Yes, I'm still here, I'll be out in a few." I said.

"Okay then, I'll wait for you." He said and I Immediately got out the bed, forgetting about the dream of that Dragon queen I heard them talking about.

I walked towards the walk-in closet that Friollo showed me last night and took something to wear before getting inside the bathroom and taking a normal bath I've never done before.

When I take a bath, I just use my snow and turn it into cold water, but I never used normal water, it was just my powers.

After taking a bath, I wore the dark blue dress I picked out and opened the door of the bedroom, seeing Friollo playing with a fire while sitting on the ground.

Once again, the feeling of the most beautiful warmness crushed my cold heart, making me flustered. Should I really just let hin warm me up? His warmth is so amazing.

"Oh, you're done, and damn, you look amazing in that dress." I snapped out of my thoughts when he said that. I just gave him a smile before speaking.

"Thank you, I like the dress to." I said before twirling around, After I stopped twirling, I saw him smile proudly that melted my heart. Is this really what it feels to have someone as your partner with you?

"Come on my beautiful queen, let's have our breakfast." I just nodded while smiling sweetly.

He took me to the dinning area and offered a sit for me at one of the two long chairs at the middle of the long table, he then sat beside me.

The door also opened and I saw Friollo's two friends with another guy and two girls. Who are they?


After walking away from Freya, I gave Evera a visit inside her and Drayce's bedroom in my castle. I knocked on the door before hearing the sweet voice of my cousin, giving me permission to come in.

I opened the door and saw her sitting on the bed while Drayce was feeding her a hot soup.

"Hey, Cupcake." I greeted and Evera gave me a small smile.

"I heard you found your mate, and she's.. the rightful queen of dragons." She said, making me nod and her smile became wider until it turned into a proud grin.

"Goddess, my cousin is mated to a winter dragon, is this really true?" She asked playfully, we all burse out laughing.

"I hope you take good care of her, 'cous," She said with a proud smile, making me smile back.

"Her name is Freya, am I right?" She asked and I nodded in agreement before sitting on her bed, close to her feet.

"What a beautiful name for my beautiful cousin-in-law, you have the same first letter of your name." She said making me blink my eyes a few times. I just realized that now.

"You just realized it now, didn't you?" She asked while lifting her eyebrows and I just rolled my eyes before moving my face towards her and kissing her on her forehead softly.

Drayce was just looking at us warmly.

"I'm glad you're better, you'll know her tomorrow at breakfast, take care of her for now Drayce." I said before looking at Drayce with a smile.

He grinned before nodding.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" He said, making me shook my head before laughing softly.

I walked out of their room with a smile, I found my mate and my cousin is okay. Now I'm feeling relieved and happy.


I hope this is okay. Thank you for the Patience!

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