Chapter 4

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The wind whistled as the fire and Ice collided with each other, but what shocked Freya the most was that her Powers were actually having a fair battle with the fire.

The ground shook as the wind began to get stronger and stronger, everything was mixed with the feeling of Warmness and Coldness.

"Princess, let's stop this!" Friollo shouted at Freya, Freya frowned when she heard the word princess but just shrugged it off.

"Tell me first! Why are you crossing my territory!?" Freya asked demandingly while glaring at the latter.

"We just wanted to talk to you," Friollo said softly, making Freya stop her eyes and Friollo also Immediately stopped breathing the fire.

"What do you want from me?" Freya asked nervously, since she knew that she could never defeat the man before her, because he can match her coldness.

But what Freya didn't expect was for Friollo to bow down along with Lake and Drayce.

"W-what are you doing?" Freya asked but she didn't hear any response.

Friollo was waiting for Freya to figure it out on her own and tell them to stand up before they should.

'It's mate! Tell mate to stand up!' She heard the voice inside her head speak, making her frown.

'What is that? Mate?' Freya asked her friend inside her head.

'Yes, don't ask anymore questions, just say Stand up or rise.' Her dragon told her, making her sigh and open her mouth to speak.

"Rise, Stand up." She said, and she sighed in Content when the people really stood up.

"My Queen, we are here to take you home with us." Friollo said politely, making Freya blink her eyes alot of times.

"Your queen? Home? This is my home. What do you mean? And who are you? Why do you guys smell so different? And why do you breath fire?" She asked curiously.

Friollo, Drayce and Lake just looked at each other with an unsure expression. Friollo sighed before speaking.

"I am Friollo, the current ranked 1 king of dragons ever since the winter dragon died, and now you are the new winter dragon, you are our queen, therefore we need you to come home and rule the fire dragons." Friollo answered softly.

"I am also your mate, Which means I am your other half and destined to rule alongside you." Friollo said, and it was as if Freya couldn't breath because of the new information she found out.

'I am really a dragon? And there are other people who are dragons just like me too?' She thought before smiling.

"Are there other dragons who are like me?" She asked.

"Queen Freya, first we need to take you home, and my Sorcerer will explain everything to you." Friollo said hopefully.

Freya just stared casually at the man who was waiting for her answer.

"Fine then," She said since her friend inside her head didn't tell her to not go. Friollo and the others let out a warm smile.

They stayed in earth for 1 night before getting out of the cave and Friollo called for his Sorcerer to take them back to the Dragon Realm.

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