Chapter 7

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Silence. It was so Silent that you could hear people breathing, Friollo was just sitting on the chair between Freya and Evera's bed.

He was thinking deeply at what he just saw a few hours ago. After that Ancident and when Friollo managed to stand up, they all went back home.

He kept thinking so deeply even after they arrived, he looked too Serious and was super quiet that the guys didn't even want to bother him.

He was wondering if he should really tell Evera about what he saw. He don't want to give her alot of problems.

He shook his head with a frown, he decided to tell her, she has the right to know everything.

"W..why does my head hurt so b-bad? What happened?" He heard the Familiar voice of Evera and he Immediately turned around to hug her tightly.

"Woah, calm down there you dragon, my head still hurts." Evera said with a chuckle that made Friollo smile.

"I'm just very happy that you're now okay," Friollo said, breaking the hug before smiling at Evera.

But then.. Evera was confused as soon as Friollo's face turned very dark and serious. Evera recognized this expression and Immediately took Friollo's hand before teleporting them inside a Private living room on a couch.

But of course, not before giving Drayce a warning to not go find them. They stayed quiet for a few seconds until Evera opened her mouth to speak.

"What Terrible thing did you see?" Evera asked with a cold and serious voice, making Friollo sigh, his expression getting darker.

"Fallon." As soon as that name got out of Friollo's mouth, Evera went pale, her blood became cold.

There was a few minutes of silence until Evera broke it.

"What about him?" Evera asked, gritting her teeth while glaring at a wall.

"He's the one who stole the Necklac—"

"WHAT!?" Before Friollo could finish his sentence, Evera immediately cut him off with a Terrified expression.

"Friollo, your mate is in danger! If the fairies were the magical creatures, Freya is in great danger! We need to hurry!" After Evera said all those things, She Immediately teleported them back to the medical room, but.. Freya was nowhere to be found anymore.


I opened my eyes with a groan, but widened my eyes in fear when I saw that I was in an Unfamiliar bedroom. Where am I!?

"Friollo!? Evera!? Drayce!? Where are you guys?" Freya asked with an Anxious expression.

The place was indeed very unfamiliar for her, the bedsheet was made of green leaves, the ceiling is also made of brown wood.

She looked around her and saw the walls were also made of brown wood, with vines sticking on them, and also with butterfly portraits with different colors.

After looking around and sitting for the whole time, she decided to get out of the bed, But as soon as her feet made contact with the floor, vines with flowers grew from the ground in intense speed and trapped her feet above the ground.

At the same time, the door opened.


The whole dragon realm was in chaos. They were terrified, hearing that the queen has disappeared.

Freya had only been with them for almost 1 week, but they saw how Kind and Sensitive she was that they grew to like her.

Now they are in chaos, thinking about their Winter Dragon queen, worried.

Meanwhile, Friollo, Evera, Drayce and Logan were sitting in the private living room, looking at each other while talking about what happened.

Nixon, Lake, and Morwanna were trying their best to calm the crowd down to lessen the chaos.

"Why can't we just go there and kick their butts?" Logan asked but went quiet after the others glared at him.

"The Fairy realm, they are much more stronger than before, they can even match us, we need a plan." Evera said, leaning on the couch with her hands crossed, also with a serious expression on her face.

"Indeed, especially now that they have the necklace. If the queen cannot take action against her, we also cannot." Friollo said, making Drayce nod.

He had heard this before, if their dragon queen could not defeat the person, they Could not either. Even they will be attacked by the necklace, since the necklace was also part of the dragons too.

"Then let's just take some of their thingy thingies that can work on them then blahblah, we get the necklace and free Freya." Logan said playfully, but he was shocked when Evera Shouted.

"That's it! Darn. you're a genius, Logan!" Evera said Happily.

"Wait, I am? Well, of course I am!" Logan said with a playful smile. He also didn't expect his plan to be useful, it was just something he said to ease up the boredom.

"What is it Eve?" Friollo asked curiously.

"This is what we'll do.." Evera explained everything to them and their faces were full of stunned expression. .

The plan was indeed good and it has a point, they looked at each other and nodded with a big smirk. But they also knew that it would be risky and Dangerous, but to save their queen, they need to risk it all.

They spent 2 days getting ready for the plan, they made Morwanna, Nixon and Lake be in-charge of the kingdom while they go to the Fairy realm.

Before making the portal, Evera took 5 white potions from her bag and showed it to her friends and husband.

"This is the potion that will cover our scent, but for us to smell like fairies.." Evera took a pack of half purple and half pink balls.

She placed the glass filled with white liquid on the floor and made the others step back before putting one colored ball on every glass.

She Immediately stepped back herself just before a potion exploded with pink and purple smokes, followed by another and another.

After the explosions were done, Evera gave them the potions one by one, but they were surprised it was not plain white anymore.

It is now a liquid with different colors. Evera drank hers and the others followed, Suddenly, wings started to grow on them, which also made Evera stunned.

She realized that she must have used too much rare fairy flowers, she just shrugged her shoulders since she knew that it would wear off in 24 hours.

"Why do we have wings? I thought it was only our scent," Friollo said, chocked to see his old Blue and Green wings that would always take him souring through the skies.

"It will wear off in 24 hours, we don't need to worry." Evera said and the others just nodded.

Evera then opened the portal towards the Fairy realm.

So are you curious about the Plan? What do you think will happen next?

Will everything be Successful or not?

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