Chapter 27

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The door opened with a bang and the girls inside the meeting room all looked at the direction with a shocked expression.

"Sorry, I'm late. I had to take my kids to my mother." Evera said, quickly closing the door before sitting on the empty chair beside Morwenna who was chuckling a little.

"Yeah, and that was also quite an entrance." Morwenna said with a smirk, making Evera blush in embarrassment.

"Just forget about that. Can we continue the meeting now, Frey?" Evera asked with a plead, making Freya smile before nodding.

"Like I've said, I already explained Friollo everything for the boys and they are already having a meeting on their own right now. So this is what we're gonna do for us, girls." Freya said, handing the same papers to them.

"As it states in the paper, we will be responsible for decorating, food supervising, and cleaning. So who wants to be responsible for decorating? 1 person." Freya asked.

"I will!" Lorena said excitedly and Freya nodded at her.

"Sure, Lorena. As it also states in the paper, there will be no limit for the people you take in your teams. The more the better. Just make sure they're good with it." Freya said and the other girls nodded.

"How about food supervising? 1 person." Freya asked.

"I'll do it," Evera said and Freya wrote it on the paper.

"So the rest of you will clean after the party?" Freya asked Morwenna and the others. They nodded in agreement, making Freya smile. "Great then, you will help both Morwenna and Evera for the party in the meantime. let's see if the boys are done with their meeting." Freya said and the others nodded, agreeing with her before they all got out of the room.

As soon as they arrived outside the room where the men were having the meeting, the men were just getting out of the room.

"Looks like we were done at the same time." Friollo said with a chuckle before walking towards Freya and giving her a kiss on the cheeks.

"So who's gonna make the invitations for the other supernatural creatures?" Freya asked, as soon as the girls heard it, they immediately ran towards Freya and asked the same question.

"The other supernatural creatures!?" They asked in disbelief, Freya looked at them with a smile.

"I never met the rest of your families, I want to meet them, so I want to invite even those who are not dragons. We can all be a peaceful unity." Freya said, making the girls tear up.

"What a great mindset and heart you have." Morwenna said, making Freya blush.

"What do you prefer, Frey? Blue stripes or blue polka dots?" Lorena asked.

"You can use all of them, there are a lot of tables after all." Freya said and Lorena just nodded in understanding and ordered her team to use both of the fabrics, like Freya said.

"Can you add more fake snowflakes on those white hanging fabrics?" Freya asked, pointing her pen towards the fabrics hanging on the trees.

"Right away," Lorena said before walking away.

Freya then walked towards the kitchen where Evera and the rest were working.

"Freya, you're here. The cooks are doing a great job." Evera said with a big smile before a bowl of batter was placed in front of her and a spoon. She took the spoon and tasted it before giving the person a thumbs up.

Before the person could walk away, Evera took another spoon of it and handed it to Freya.

"The food they cook and bake is so delicious. People are gonna love it! Here, give it a taste." Evere said, stretching the spoon in front of Freya's mouth. Freya then opened her mouth and tasted it.

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