Chapter 23

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Before you read this chapter, I want to tell you that I didn't edit this before publishing. I'm planning to edit this later since I'm currently busy. I hope you guys understand.


"So what theme do you want for your Coronation your majesty?" Evera asked in a good accent, making Freya giggle cutely.

"Maybe blue," Freya answered happily.

Morwanna wrote it down and Evera asked a few more important questions while Morwanna continued to write down her answers.

"Now we're done about the planning, here are the copies of her answers." Morwanna said, handing them separated papers.

"Lorena you go give this paper to the chefs and make sure they plan it right for the coronation, I will be the messenger to tell the rest of the majesties about the suits and dresses they need to wear, Evera and queen Freya, the two of you can send this paper to the tailor in Earth. Now let's split." Morwanna said professionally. And the rest of the girls nodded obediently.

Evera opened the portal and got inside with Freya.

"Good goddess! You both startled me!" Their Tailor, Cassandra said with her hand on her chest.

"Sorry Cass, we didn't knew that you were in here already, I thought you were still on your way." Evera apologize. Cassandra just shook her head before speaking.

"Just don't do it again, I might die even though I'm already an undead vampire." Cassandra said, making Evera laugh and Freya looking at Cassandra, holding her laugh.

"I'm not joking!" Cassandra said with a frown, Evera held her hands up in Surrender and Freya just looked somewhere else.

"Calm down, don't be too serious. You should try joking around next time, your serious part is creepy ya know." Evera said, crossing her arms.

"Whatever, let's start. Give the theme plan." Cassandra said, taking the paper from Evera's hand.

"Well, I think blue will really look good with white, also considering Freya's dragon color, it is perfect with the theme!" Cassandra said excitedly. "Let's size you up now, so I could finish it earlier." Cassandra added and Freya just nodded before walking towards her.

Cassandra began sizing her up while Freya was as hard as a rock, anxious to move, thinking that it would ruin her size.

"All done!" Cassandra said with a smile before looking at the other girls.

"Do you girls also need a new dress for the Coronation?" Cassandra asked but only Lorena stepped up and the others shook their heads.

"We already have our own dresses that would fit the Coronation." Evera answered and the others nodded. Then only Lorena went to size up.

They bid their goodbyes to Cassandra as soon as Lorena was finished.

"Be safe all of you! I will totally make the dresses amazing!" Cassandra said excitedly and the others nodded with a smile.

Meanwhile inside the Dragon realm with Friollo and the other men, they talked to every King decided their positions after Freya and Friollo becomes the only ruler.

"I guess we finished everything here and we are going to announce them after the Coronation, I hope they don't regret accepting their future positions." Drayce said, Friollo then looked at him.

"Drayce, are you sure you don't want any positions? Sure your a demon now, but you were a former dragon king, you are still welco—" Drayce held up his hand with an assuring smile before looking at Logan.

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