Chapter 3

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"Are they still not okay?" Friollo asked his sorcerer and the sorcerer shook his head in reply.

"No, We need to find the Queen winter dragon for them to feel better." He said which made Friollo sigh in defeat.

"Fine, I'll find her, just so they both could get better." Friollo said pointing at the two girls that were sleeping while shaking uncontrollably.

"Very well then, I'll keep an eye on them, but don't you need someone to go with you?" Kaan the Sorcerer asked him, Friollo thought for a minute before putting on a smile.

"Of course, I'll take Drayce and Lake with me, since Logan will be busy taking care of the kingdom once I take Drayce." Friollo said and the Sorcerer nodded.

Friollo began to walk out of Kaan's office and went towards the living room where Drayce, Logan, Lake and Nixon where talking about the two girls and the winter dragon.

Friollo cleared his throat and the four men Immediately looked at him with a questioning look, Drayce was about to say something when Friollo stopped him and spoke instead.

"We are going for a Journey Drayce and Lake," He said, Drayce and Lake looked at each other with a confused expression.

"Why?" The both asked, Friollo just sighed before talking again.

"To find the Winter Dragon, that's the only way for the girls to get better." He answered and the two men just nodded in agreement.

"When do we start?" Lake asked with a raised eyebrows.



They are now going to the Human realm, because Kaan said that he could feel the Winter Dragon's presence from the realm of humans.

"We will miss you Dad, I hope you'll be quick." Ellery said while Everly just nodded with a pout. Drayce chuckled and hugged them both before kissing them on the forehead.

"Father will be back, no need to worry," Blaze said with a grin and Drayce just grinned back.

"My Son knows me too much," Drayce said before messing his Son, Blaze's hair and hugging Blade.

After they all said goodbye for the three men's Journey, Drayce, Friollo and Lake all headed out to the Human Realm.

After crossing the Portal and Arriving the human realm, they ended up on top of an Eiffel tower.

"We're in Paris?" They heard Lake asked with glistening eyes since he had always loved Paris.

They were about to walk when they were devoured by the portal again and ended up in a forest just before the Portal vanished.

"Oh darn it!" Lake said, Pouting and the two just rolled their eyes with a deep chuckle.

"Don't worry Lake, you'll go to Paris someday." Drayce said, Patting his friend's shoulders and Lake just rolled his eyes.

"Let's go," Friollo said in a serious tone, making the two stop and also put on a serious expression.

They started walking inside the forest, hearing the birds chirping and singing on top of the trees.

"Stop." Friollo Immediately said, and the two also stopped and Immediately looked at where Friollo is looking at.

They saw a bunch of snow on the ground, Drayce and Friollo's eyes widened in relief while Lake just looked at the snow, Shivering a little.

"It's the winter dragon's snow," Drayce said, and Friollo nodded in agreement.

'Touch it,' Friollo's dragon spoke inside his mind and he frowned before answering.

'What do you mean? Are you crazy?' Friollo asked inside his head with a frown.

'Just trust me, you'll know where she is once you touch it.' His Dragon said in a Serious tone, making him sigh.

All dragons know that once they touch a Winter dragon's snow, they will still turn into Ice. Friollo crouched down and started to move his hand closer towards the snow when he was stopped by Drayce's hand, holding his wrist.

"What the fvck are you doing? You'll freeze!" Drayce said, worrying for his Cousin-In-Law.

"Trust me Drayce, let go." Friollo said Seriously, since Friollo is still the Number 1 King, Drayce didn't have a choice but to obey.

The snow and Friollo's hand met and a vision of a girl with white hair and wings, landing on a ground in a forest appeared inside Friollo's mind.

He Immediately removed his hand from the snow and was surprised that he didn't feel any intense coldness and his hand was still warm as usual.

"How did you do that?" Drayce asked and Friollo just shrugged his shoulders before smiling, making Drayce widen his eyes.

"Don't tell me.." Drayce trailed but Friollo cut him off.

"I think she is, She's my mate." He said with a smile and motioned for the two to follow him. After a few more walks, a deep voice appeared behind them.

"Who are you guys?" They looked behind them and saw a man with a frown on his face, Except.. he was not a human.

"You're a Vampire, right?" The three men asked the man that just spoke behind them. The man gave them a polite smile before nodding.

"You're a werewolf, and the two of you are dragons, you are fire dragons tho.." The man said, pointing every one of them.

"What do you mean by fire dragons 'tho'? You mean.. you met the Winter Dragon?" Drayce asked with a hopeful expression on his face. The man just nodded before speaking.

"I talked with her last few nights ago, she saved me when I was affected by her snow, I'm guessing you're looking for her?" The Vampire asked and the three didn't have a choice but to nod and tell the truth.

"Yes, since a Winter dragon is our queen." They answered and the Vampire nodded in reply.

"She lives in a cave full of ice, right.. there." The vampire pointed a direction and the three thanked him politely before walking towards the direction where the Vampire pointed.

"I didn't realize her Mate would arrive so early, oh Frieda, we can only wish the best for our daughter." The vampire said, looking up at the skies.

The three continued walking until they finally arrived infront of a mountain, they began walking slowly towards the cave and began to talk.

"Drayce, I can't believe I am her mate." Friollo said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, Unexpected things happen, and it is understandable since you are the number 1 king of the fire dragons." Drayce replied, Shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't get you dragons, you have the hottest fire, how could you freeze on a snow?" Lake asked with a frown. Friollo and Drayce looked at each other before shrugging.

"We have the hottest fire, but the Winter dragon has the most Powerful power of Ice and frost. It can stop any fire and the ice would not even melt. That's how powerful the queen of dragons were, and now we have a new one." Drayce said, making Lake nod in understanding.

"Well, we better get inside and look for her." Friollo said, walking quicker and the both caught up to him as they all went inside the cave.

The sight of Ice hanging on the roof of the cave with different shapes with most of them are just pointy ices, Amazed them.

While looking around, Friollo's eyes widened and he Immediately covered Drayce and Lake before breathing a fire and the power of fire and Ice collided with each other.


I hope you'll enjoy this one, What do ya'll think happened or will happen next?

It is a good thing that I got the half of the words I wrote for the chapters back, I was sooo Nervous and upset. Well, I hope the other chapter will be smooth to write. Thanks for reading! Xx. ❤️

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