Chapter 17

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"My darling, once our babygirl is born, I can't bear to loose you. Is there really no way to change your fate?" The man said with a tear falling out of his eye, he was holding the woman's stomach.

Freya stood there with a stunned expression while looking at the couple. She felt her heart tightening.

She knows the man, she was the man who she met last time, the one that had his hand frozen because of her snow. But she was confused about why she was seeing him.

But the woman.. seeing them both together, Freya have a deep feeling inside her heart, as if something is tugging it.

The woman was beautiful with pointy ears and long white hair, she was wearing a white dress with blue designed stars on it. She also have leaves over her head. She was beyond beautiful.

The couple doesn't seem to see her.

"No, this is my fate, it is part of me. I just hope that our daughter is in good health can you promise that to me?" The woman asked, wiping the man's tears away.

"I promise, I will always keep our princess safe." Freya's tears fell after hearing those words but she didn't know why. Then everything suddenly became white and another scene appeared in front of her.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" The woman from before shouted at another woman with pointy ears and brown hair.

"I'm sorry princess, but your daughter is not strong enough, you won't be able to give birth to her. We need to take her out." The woman said while looking down.

"I'll do anything! I'll do anything to save my daughter! Tell me what I can do!" The woman shouted, tears kept on falling out of her eyes, she was shaking violently.

"I.." The woman sighed before talking. "There is another way, but it is ris-"

"What ever it is, I'll do it." The woman said confidently, making the other woman sigh.

"This is the Ingredients. I will make a potion to save your baby. You will drink it and at the day of the birth of your baby, you will die and then turn into a snow, your snow will land somewhere inside the forest and then that snow will turn into your daughter. But your soul will vanish after your daughter manages to summon you, if she learns how to. After that, your soul will no longer exist in this world. And the special Ingredient is.. the scale of the first winter dragon."

Freya listened to everything and suddenly, she slumped on the ground with a sob.

"The woman.. the woman in front of me, is she my mother?" She asked herself with tears falling from her eyes. Then she thought of something, if the woman is her mother then.. then the man must be.. she was utterly stunned, but her tears kept on falling until another scene appeared in front of her where she confirmed that all she thought of was entirely true.

"Once Freya is born, please look after her, but don't introduce yourself. The woman that checked on me said that Freya cannot know about you or there will be bad consequences, she needs to face every challenges until she finds the necklace, once she finds the necklace, you can introduce your self. That's the only condition it has. We still need to bear all the burden until she finds the necklace, but at least she will be alive."

"Your sacrificing your soul for our baby girl. Your wish is my command my beautiful wife. Once Freya learns about all this, I hope she will understand your sacrifices." The man said while hugging his wife.

Freya couldn't help but cry loudly, this were her parents, her mother is gone, but her father is still alive and she saw hope filling her heart.

She opened her eyes with a shock expression written around her face.

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