Chapter 18

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Okay so, I've been thinking and I guess I will just show you all the rest of their Journey. Buckle up!


"Are you ready, sis?" Evera asked her with a warm smile. Freya just nodded, smiling back at Evera.

"All right girls, let's go." Drayce said before entering the portal first, Freya, Evera and Friollo followed them, the kids were left since they want to take care of Blaze. It has been 2 weeks since the Incident and Freya wanted to finally meet her father.

"Is it really true that he is a Vampire?" Freya asked again, making Evera chuckle.

"Yes, yes he is, Frey." Evera answered again, Freya just nodded with a small smile.

They finally arrived outside her father's house and began to knock. The vampire opened the door while drinking a red liquid.

The man's eyes widened and he stopped drinking the liquid before looking at the four people outside his house, and his eyes stopped at Freya.

"You're finally awake?" Relief can be seen inside his eyes, Freya nodded with a small smile, restraining her tears.

"Yes, I am.. Father." When Freya said those words, the man dropped the glass with red liquid while staring at Freya in shock, then tears suddenly fell from the man's eyes.

After a few seconds, Freya was hugged by the vampire, but she just hugged him back, letting her tears fall from her eyes.

"You finally remember me? But.. how?" The man said after breaking the hug and holding Freya's cheeks. Tears still streaming down his face.

"I dreamed about you and mother.." Freya said, making the man cry harder and he hugged her again.

"Your mother was a great woman, I do wish you could meet her. Well I heard that you can summon her, did you summon her already?" The man asked with a small smile. Freya Immediately shook her head.

"No.. if I summon her, her soul will disappear. I don't want that. Evera is already trying to find a way for her soul to stay, even Drayce is going to asked his former parents about it tomorrow." Freya answer with a sigh before looking down.

"Really? Are you sure they can find one?" Her father asked softly.

"They are still trying, Father." Freya assured her father. The Vampire just nodded looking at Friollo.

"You are my daughter's mate, are you not?" The Vampire asked and Friollo nodded.

"Yes, I am, Sir." Friollo said respectfully.

"You can call me the way Freya calls me. You are my Son-in-law after all." The Vampire said with a smile and Friollo just smiled back again.

"Why don't you all come in?" The man asked and the four people look at each other with a smile before getting inside the house.

They spent the whole afternoon talking, laughing and eating. They were all very happy, especially Freya that she finally met her Father.

Next will be her Mother, but she will become patient until Drayce and Evera could figure out a way to see her mother without her mother loosing her soul.

Since night is starting to visit, Freya and the others bid goodbye to the Vampire and Freya promised to meet him once again.

"We're off now, Father. I'll be back again to also take you to the Dragon realm and give you a tour." Freya said with a smile, her Father just chuckled a bit.

"I'll be waiting then." Her father answered with a warm smile, caressing Freya's hair.

After that, they went inside the portal and that's when they will now start the search of a way for Freya to meet her mother without loosing her mother's soul from the world.

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