Chapter 29

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Friollo is now reading the book Kaan just gave him.

"Then this is a private ceremony.." Friollo wondered, looking at the ceiling.

"Yes, your majesty. So what do you think?" Kaan asked with a smile. Friollo wanted to say something but couldn't. He knew what was the meaning of the words he just read a moment ago.

He knew that Kaan will need to cut on Freya's palm. And the last thing he wanted was Freya getting injured even though dragons can heal very fast.

"I know what you're thinking. But the pain won't last long, your majesty." Kaan said with a sigh.

"I'll asked her then.." Friollo said before standing up and walking out of Kaan's office.


"We're going to what!?" Freya asked in shock. She just woke up seeing Friollo who was pacing back and fourth in the big balcony.

But she didn't expect that the reason of Friollo's pacing would make her incredibly shock.

"It's okay if you don't want to do it.." Friollo said, biting his bottom lip.

"I'm just shock, but if it's a tradition then I'm going to be fine." Freya said while looking at Friollo with a smile.

"Well.. it's been years since dragons have done this, so I don't think it's a tradition any-"

"Friollo. A tradition is a tradition. And besides, how can they do such a ritual when there were no winter dragons for years? You worry too much about me, I'm fine." Freya assured him before giving him a hug.

Friollo is currently nervous, but he knew that he had to do this. Even he, can't let Freya get inside that Sanctuary alone. He will get too worried.

He broke the hug before kissing her on the forehead and holding her hands tightly.

"I'm only gonna do this since I don't want you to go alone. It could kill me with full of worry." Friollo said, making Freya roll her eyes.

"When should we start?" Freya asked.

"Anytime you're ready." Friollo said with a scratch on the back of his head.

"Let's go then." Freya said before standing up.

"Wha.. what?" Friollo asked, startled.

"Don't tell me you're the one who's scared about the ritual?" Freya asked with her hands crossed and her lips curled into a smirk.

"Wha-t? Me? Nooo, I'm just surprised. That's all." Friollo said before standing up and putting on a forced smile.

"Ah-huh. Then, let's go." Freya said before walking ahead towards Kaan's office.

Friollo sighed hopelessly. He didn't know what he was feeling. He feels like he is inside of a world with no air and in the verge of drowning.

"What's wrong with me?" He whispered to himself.

"Stop, you're making it worse." He heard his dragon, Rion, complain.

"You feel it too, I guess." Friollo said inside his head.

"Obviously, I'm apart of you." Rion replied.

The both stopped talking when Freya already began to knock on the door and calling Kaan's name.

The door opened, revealing Kaan who was wearing a smile on his face.

"Your majesty. I'm guessing you're here about the ritual?" The Sorcerer asked politely and Freya then gave him a friendly smile.

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