Chapter 25

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"What if I'm the reason why she came back!? What if becoming the dragon queen was the reason that she came back!?" Freya shouted, making Friollo look at her in shock.

"Freya, my love. What do you mean?" Friollo asked, walking towards her before holding her hand.

"I.. remember the time when I was unconscious?" Freya asked unsurely. But she knew she had to tell Friollo everything from top to bottom.

"Yes, what about it?" Friollo asked.

"Maybe I was originally a pure fae, but ended up as a winter dragon because of the scale of the former winter dragon queen." Freya said while looking down.

"What makes you say that? It doesn't make any sense." Friollo said with a frown.

"In my dream, my mother and I had health issues that she needed to drink a potion containing the secret ingredient which is the scale of the dragon queen. What if that's the reason the winter dragon queen wanted to challenge me?" Freya said and Friollo was looking at her as if she had grown ten heads.

"Okay, your way beyond your imagination. Are you sure that was your dream? Or you just thought that really happene—" Friollo didn't have the chance to finish because Freya gave him a sharp look.

"I'm serious! You don't believe me? Then fine! I don't even need you to believe me!" Freya said, stumping her feet and appearing inside a white place.

She fell on her knees before crying silently. After a while she heard a roar of a dragon and a flapping of wings, but she just kept crying.

After a few more minutes, she could feel a tail hugging her softly, she looked up to see a dragon with the color of blue and white, looking at her softly.

"Flykra.." Freya said, before hugging the dragon beside her.

"You know, I was sleeping because of my powers that drained after the battle, but I couldn't help waking up after I heard your cute sobs. Now, tell me what's wrong because I cannot read your memory now that you're in our domain." Flykra said.

"Domain?" Freya asked with a confused but curious expression.

"Yes, the necklace gave that power to us, so we could also talk physically with each other as if I'm not inside of you." Flykra said with a chuckle, making Freya smile. "Now tell me what's wrong." Flykra asked.

Freya told her everything she thought and also about the dream since Flykra wasn't awake at that time while the dragon just listened to everything patiently and silently.

"I see, what if we ask our father and mother? Maybe that'll clear things out. Because all I know is that I'm here to protect you from any dangers and strengthen my bond with you so you won't be lonely. And that dragon will attack us and we are the only ones that could defeat her. But I don't know about our Identity." Flykra said with a sigh.

"I guess you're right. They're the only ones who knows the truth." Freya said.

"Let's go then!" Flykra said before letting out a joyous roar.

Meanwhile at the castle, Friollo was still standing on the same spot, he couldn't move after witnessing what had happened in front of him.

After a while he returned to his senses and looked around with worry in his eyes.

"Freya? Freya!" He shouted, looking around. All there is left is her ice on the ground.

"EVERA! DRAYCE! EVERYBODY!" Friollo called, running out of the castle.

On the other hand, Freya finally arrived outside of her father's house with the help of Flykra. She breathe heavily before knocking on the door.

The door was then opened by her father who was wearing a worried expression, but he soon teared up when he saw Freya, and he Immediately hugged her.

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