Chapter 15

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Friollo and Logan began moving after Drayce gave them the order.

They were about to get close to the castle when Drayce told them to stop and they Immediately hid behind a close bush.

"Go." Once Drayce again gave them the order, they Immediately stood up and Friollo followed the smell quickly but sneakily, Logan following behind him the same way.

They soon arrived outside a room and they saw Freya placing a tray on the table, after that, they saw her thinking deeply and they took it as a chance for Friollo to burn the wood barks of the window.

That ruined Freya's thoughts and she Immediately snapped her head to the side, only to burst into tears when she saw her mate.

She Immediately stood up and jumped into his arms while sobbing softly, holding into Friollo tightly.

"There there, snowflake. Let's escape from here." After Friollo said those words, he Immediately took Freya with him and flew through the window.

Freya could hear people fighting inside the castle, but she held onto Friollo to comfort herself. With that, Friollo reported to Evera that they now have Freya.

After a few minutes of flying, they finally landed on the ground safely and Logan nodded at Friollo before flying away.

"Whe-where is he going?" Freya asked with a quavering voice, Friollo just caressed her hair before kissing her forehead.

"Don't worry, he's just going to find Drayce and Evera to also help them defeat the queen." Friollo answered softly.

"Is it because of me?" Freya asked, her eyes starting to become glossy once again.

"No sweetheart, of course not. Evera has another mission too, other than saving you." Friollo said, and Freya just nodded even though she finds it hard to believe him.

While Logan was flying around the huge castle, looking for his brother and sister-in-law, he heard a powerful commotion somewhere close, and he can feel the overwhelming power.

He Immediately flew towards it but when he finally arrived, he saw Evera closing the queen's eyes. He couldn't believe it, the queen was dead, but her body looked creepy for him.

While drayce was just looking at the mother and daughter with blood on his shoulder from the fight with the other guy, Logan called them outside.

"Brother, sister." Logan greeted, making them both turn their heads towards him.

"Logan, we have to go now." Evera said before flying away with the three.

After meeting with each other, that was also the cue for the Fae, Albina to call her people and take back what was rightfully theirs.

When Evera and the others were finally back to earth, Albina Immediately lead them to the Fae Secret home.

As soon as they got inside, Evera and Drayce were greeted by their kids, crying and sobbing which made them nervous.

"What's the matter? Did you miss us that much sweethearts?" Evera asked with a soft expression, but she noticed something. Her eldest son wasn't with them.

Nervousness attacked Evera's heart, she looked at Drayce beside her and it appears that Drayce also have the same feeling because of his frown.


"Where is Blaze? Where is your brother?" Evera asked Immediately, hoping that their Stubborn son didn't follow them.

"Mommy, after you both left, we wanted to play with him so we looked everywhere for him, but he was no where to be found!" Their youngest daughter cried.

Evera's heart Sank and Drayce was speechless. They thought that their son was obedient this time, but they didn't think he would disobey them again. Drayce was Disappointed while Evera was truly upset.

"DRAYCE! WE NEED TO FIND HIM! WE NEED TO FIND MY PRECIOUS BLAZE! WE NEED TO FIND HIM!" Evera broke down in tears. As a mother, it breaks her heart knowing that her son was alone out there by himself.

But what she feared the most was Blaze going out of control.

They thought that Blaze was just a Hybrid like the other three, but he was also a Tribrid like her mother, but more powerful. The only problem is, Blaze won't be able to control his powers when he is not in concentration, especially if he gets mad. He is uncontrollable when his power takes advantage of him.

"Of course we will! There is no way I'm leaving my son alone." Drayce said and Immediately brought his Wife and kids back to the Dragon Realm.

Drayce shifted into a dragon above the sky, Looking at his kingdom and let out the loudest roar he had ever made, this alerted all his people and everyone Immediately got out of their homes and shifted.

They Immediately flew towards the sky and when they were almost near Drayce, they bowed respectfully, ready for the King's Special order.

When a Dragon king's roar is louder than a thunder or any loud sounds, it meant that their king has an urgent order that needs to be taken by all shifted dragons of the King's kingdom.

Drayce shifted back into his human form, but with his wings still attach.

"My son, your prince is in danger and wandering on his own! He is missing! And it is surely important to find him! Scatter around the earth and the former fairy realm to find him!" Drayce ordered loudly.

The Dragons all roared and with Evera's powers, she Immediately opened a bunch of portals for every earth's country, and one portal for the former fairy realm. After so many years, Evera now knows how to summon any portals with no limit.

Before getting inside, of course, the dragons didn't forget to shift back into humans with their wings still attached and flew inside the portal to find their beloved prince.

"My dear, take care of our kids. I promise, we will find our son no matter what." Drayce hugged Evera and was about to fly away to get inside a portal when Evera held his wings, making him stop and look back at her.

"Find him, before it's too late." Evera said with tears in her eyes and he nodded before kissing her forehead and flying away.

Meanwhile, inside a big forest of the fairy realm, the little boy Blaze was starting to feel nervous around him. When he went inside the portal of his mother, he was confused that it was only him inside.

It turned out that his mother needs to know that he was going with them because she summoned the portal, if not, the other person which is him will be taken to another part of that realm.

He shook his head, he shouldn't be nervous, it was bad for his powers, but he couldn't help it.

"Come on blazey, listen to me, let me control, we can get out of here if you let me~" his power spirit sung to deceive him and gain control over him.

"No! You are my spirit and you must obey me like my mama said!" Blaze scolded his spirit, but he shivered when his spirit just let out a creepy and twisted laugh.

"You are too weak~ you can never control me weak boy. You can never control me!" Said his power spirit before laughing devilishly.

Blaze's head began to buzz, 'oh no.', he thought, his power spirit is going to take Advantage of him again. He needs to defeat it to make it obey him. If only his mother and Grandmother are here, they can make the spirit obey. But once he is by himself the spirit would always take advantage on him. But he was not ready to fight with his power spirit yet, he was still weak.

"Stop! Stop! I'm not ready to fight you! Stop!" Blaze cried, holding his head tightly, trying to endure everything and not give in.

"Silly boy, this is a perfect chance for me to own your body and soul! For you to finally obey me!" The spirit shouted before letting out a malicious laugh that could creep anyone to death.

"STOPPPPP—" Blaze's body fell to the ground, his whole eyes turning black.

Uh-oh, sorry about that. Who do you think would be able to save Blaze? Or.. will he even be saved?

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