Chapter 11

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"Sweethearts, are you both sure you're gonna do this?" Deonna asked the couple with a worried look.

"Don't worry Mama, we're just going to earth," Drayce assured her.

"It's not that, Faes have dangerous powers, and what if they get to feel threatened and hurt the both of you? What if that Vampire—" Before Deonna could finish her sentence, Evera cut her off.

"Don't worry, Mama Deonna. We can take care of ourselves, we're not kids anymore." Evera said with an Assuring smile. The Queen looked at her husband before sighing in defeat.

"Okay, just be careful, both of you." Evera and Drayce nodded before opening the portal towards earth.

They waved goodbye towards the King and Queen before getting inside the portal with a goal to end the fight.

They stepped on the green grass as the wind flew pass them. Evera closed her eyes with a smile. She missed the time when she was still living on earth.

"Shall we, hun?" Drayce asked and Evera nodded in agreement.

They wondered around the forest hoping to catch the scent of the Vampire they met before.

Evera's eyes lit up when she finally smelled the scent of the Vampire. She and Drayce nodded at each other before following the scent.

While following the scent, they came across a small house made of wood, but it was beautiful, the smell of the Vampire came from inside of it.

They walked towards it before knocking on the door, they waited for the door to open until they heard footsteps from inside the house.

The door opened, revealing the man they met before while looking for Freya, the man has a friendly smile on his face.

"What can I help you with again?" The man asked casually and as if he already knows what they need from him.

"The faes."

Freya focused her ears, once she realized every fairies are now asleep, she stood up quietly from the bed.

She knew that there are still guards that are awake to guard every important rooms and the prison but she should at least try.

She quietly opened the door and was thankful it didn't let out a creak, she then carefully closed the door and started to walk towards the Prisons.

When she arrived, she saw a few fairy guards guarding the prison entrance, but she let out a sigh when 1 of the guards was sleeping while the other two were playing something she doesn't even know.

She turned herself into a small snowflake, taking a few of her energies away. She then floated inside the prison without the guards noticing her.

"Is it just me or it just got colder here?" A guard asked the other guard he was playing with.

"Well, we have a winter dragon here, her powers might just have become more colder. The queen can take care of it." The guard answered making the other one nod, the other guard was still asleep.

Freya sighed in relief and landed softly on the groud where she smelt her friends's scent, holding her paining head. Everytime she uses that power of hers, her head would get painful because her powers still have a limit.

She looked inside the bars where she could smell their scent but a tear fell from her eyes when she realized that there was no one inside.

She then saw something which relieved her heart, the lock was unlocked, that means her friends had escaped.

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