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A life works like wonders, sometimes, it words like a rollercoaster, sometimes, it works like a story. But mostly, it works like test.

Frosty, that was her life. And it was her fate. She had a frosty fate. But not just that, her life was not all frosty.

She was full of coldness, no warmness. But then, a heat made her realize that there is more to her.

She has a Frosty Fate, but she also has a Warm Destiny. How she understood it, she didn't know.

All she knows is that coldness and hotness can also work together other than despising each other.

When you are too cold, you need hotness. And when you are too hot, you need coldness. But sometimes, when you eat something hot and drink something cold, your teeth will be in pain.

But she has a different story.

She met a man she learned to love that is COMPLETELY opposite to her. Her coldness learned to love his hotness, and the same goes for his hotness.

Their love shows that even if how much different the two person are to each other, they will still have something that could warm them up and get them to chill.

And then, there comes her life that she treasures so much after so many years.

7 Years later...

"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!" The little girl screamed happily, running faster on her bare feet.

Her white hair flowed like the falling snow from the heavens. Her laughter filled the whole field while she runs around, her bare feet feeling every grass it steps on.

"Ciena, come back here! We don't have time to play, you need to get ready for your cousin's birthday!" Freya shouted, running after Ciena.

"Catch me first, mother!" Ciena shouted back with a big smile on her face.

Freya just shook her head with a smile before letting her wings out and flying towards Ciena with great speed and hugging her waist, carrying her through the skies.

"Mommyyyy!! You used your wings! Not fair!" Ciena said with a mouth before crossing her arms. Freya just chuckled before landing on the balcony.

"I'm sorry my love, but you need to get ready for Everly and Ellery's birthday." Freya said before making her seat on the soft chair in front of the mirror and taking the hair brush for her hair.

"But I want to play in the grass today." Ceina said, showing her love for nature. Freya smiled before leaning into Ciena's hair.

"There will be a lot of green colored cupcakes and green ice creams." Freya said, remembering that the theme of the party is green. Ciena's eyes widened before looking back at Freya.

"Well.. I will go. But only because of the cupcakes!" Ciena said with a cheeky smile.

Freya just shook her head before going towards the closet to take Ciena's dress for today. She knew that once Ciena sees the twins, Ciena would end up having fun with them.

Her daughter have always been very stubborn, but no matter what, she likes to have fun and sometimes hung out with other kids.

But at least Ciena is very serious when it comes to school, she is indeed very smart. But mostly, she spends her time playing on the grass and learning about other things that are part of nature.

Her daughter have such love for nature. She couldn't blame her. Green is also Ciena's favorite color, and fruits are her favorite food, and animals? She loves them more than anything.

Frosted Fate. (Dragon Series 2.)Where stories live. Discover now