Chapter 26

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My family and I talked a few more, and they also told me the real reason why they didn't want to attend my ceremony, it was because they could not Interfere with my fight.

And if they were there, they would have interfered once they get to see me getting hurt because of the former queen.

"I know you didn't attend my ceremony, but I hope you guys will at least attend the after ceremony party, in short, the ball." I said with pleading eyes.

My parents looked at each other with a smile and my mother held both of my hands before nodding in agreement.

I squealed and hugged them tight before waving at them and calling Flykra to open a portal for me to get in.

As soon as the white portal appeared, I went inside and ended up inside the domain me and Flykra own. I then opened my arms and raised it up as I imagined my self back to where I was before.

When I opened my eyes, I found my self inside the castle where I disappeared a few hours ago. I bet Friollo is now looking for me, obviously with the others.

"Queen Freya, you were here all along?" I heard the cute voice of a boy and turned around to see Dallas. I smiled at him and walked over to him before messing his hair up.

He is already 15 years old, but he still have his baby face, he is just a late-bloomer.

"Let me guess. King Friollo and the others are looking for me, aren't they?" I asked him, and he nodded with a smile.

"I think they are outside looking for you everywhere." Dallas said I smiled at him before speaking.

"Thank you, Dallas. I'll go find them now." I said and Dallas nodded at me cutely.

I flew out of the castle and began to look for my friends and my mate until I ended up finding them inside the forest.

"Why did you even deny what she thought?" I heard Evera ask my mate.

"I just don't want her to think too much. I just wanted her to rest first." Friollo said which melted my heart.

"I know you care so much about her, Friollo. But you could have at least listened to her, Freya might not be emotionally strong, but our Freya is honest and smart. Whatever she might think about has the possibility to be true." Evera said which made me smile.

Before anyone could say any more words, I landed in the middle of them swiftly. I was about to say something when I was attacked with a bone crushing hug from Friollo.

"Love, how could you leave like that!? You got me worried sick! You got all of us worried!" I heard Friollo say, hugging me tighter but it didn't seem to hurt me so I hugged him back.

"Calm down. I'm sorry, I just wanted an alone time because you didn't want to believe whatever I was about to say." I said with a soft tone.

"I'm sorry, I just want you to say it after you take a rest. I was just worried about your health too much." Friollo said making me smile.

"Forgiven. And I'm sorry for making you all worried. I—" I was about to explain when I was again attacked with a hug from them, including Friollo who was still hugging me, making both of us fall down with the others on top of us. Well, this is a new position of a group hug.

"It's fine, Frey. We're just happy that you're safe. You can explain us where you have been after we arrive at the castle." Evera said, making me nod in agreement.

After our hugging reunion, we decided to finally go to the castle so I could explain them everything that happened.

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