Chapter 9

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I pounded my fist against the wooden bars angrily as the guards closed the door outside.

Of course, there was no use. This bars are made with a powerful fairy magic, the wood will be harder than a diamond.

I placed my back against the wooden wall and slid down, letting my tears fall, sobbing softly.

"Evera, please don't cry." I heard Drayce said from behind my walls, it just made me cry harder.

"I.. I'm sorry.. I failed you guys.." I said, crying softly. Because of me, we failed our mission. I forgot to drink blood.

"Evera, stop that. Everybody makes mistakes. We're not all perfect. So stop mopping around, it's not your fault. We also forgot to remind you." I heard Friollo say which made me smile a little bit.

"But we still failed, and as if it won't get worst, we are in the damn prison." I said before gritting my teeth.

"I know, Eve. But remember, we're in this together. We'll get out of here, just have fate." Friollo said walking towards me and hugging me tight.

Me and Friollo have the same bars while Drayce don't, since he needed to be guarded well.

They comforted me for a few more minutes until I fell asleep in Friollo's hands, worrying what I could do to get us out of here.

I suddenly woke up, when I heard someone talking to a guard, I looked at Friollo but he was in a deep sleep so I focused on hearing the voices.

"But miste—"

"I told you to leave them." I hard a familiar voice said to the guards, annoyed.

"But the Queen's order—"

"I'll handle them, now out."

"Yes, sir."

After that I heard the sound of the door closing, until it finally closed.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking outside of the bars, it is a little dark, I guess it's night time.

"Eviella, It's me. Be quiet, I'm going to free you guys." I heard the Familiar voice say, I activated my Night Vision and gasped when I saw him. Fallon..

"Fallon?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Yes Sister Eviella, I'll free you and brother Friollo, then your Husband." Fallon said, looking for the potion key in his bag that could unlock the bars.

"Why are you doing this? Weren't you Jealous about your brother because he was the heir of your side of the Kingdom and that he stole your girl?" After I said that, I saw him stop, and looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"I was not Jealous of my Brother, I protected my brother for becoming the heir because of a dark secret I found out about my mother's family. And that girl, I don't like her. She was tricking my Brother so the Plan of her and our mother would work." He said, wiping his tears before looking for the potion in his bag again.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and at the same time, he found the potion.

"I have no time to explain, the demons are waiting, you need to go." He said that made me frown.

"The demo—" He cut me off.

"Just trust me on this one Sister Eviella, please."

"Let's trust him, Eve." I heard Friollo say behind me, I realized he was awake all this time with tears in his eyes, looking at his brother. I have no choice but to just nod.

After opening our bars, he rushed towards Drayce's and unlocked it Immediately with a double tap of the potion, since his lock was stronger.

I rushed inside, finding Drayce with my Night Vision and took him with me, I saw him open his eyes in shock, he just woke up.

"Love?" He asked, and I smiled at him before speaking.

"I'll explain later, your family is waiting, let's go." I said, which made him widen his eyes. But he didn't asked anymore questions and just let me lead him out.

"Here, get through here, this is where I go to meet with my demon girlfriend." Fallon said, making the three of us look at him with a stunned and shocked expressions.

He gave us a pleading look, reminding us that it is not the time for explanations, and we Immediately went down the Cave, us behind Fallon who was leading us with a green fire in his hands.

We arrived outside and saw two demons with Magnificent wings and a bunch of demons with normal wings, which means they are guards, and two royal demons.

"Mom, Dad." Drayce said with tears in his eyes and the two demons went towards us quietly and hugged the both of us.

"Oh my, Dear Eviella, Damiello, my babies." The Demon queen said with tears in her eyes.

I realized we were inside one of the Entrances of the Underground realm.

The king and queen brought us to a room and made us rest, we have separate rooms but our rooms are just beside each other.

It is pretty hot here but it doesn't matter, their beds are Comfortable, they have the same beds like the humans. Besides, they can disguise themselves as humans so it's not a problem for them to shop.

The black door opened and Drayce's mother walked in with a small smiled.

"Mama Deonna." I said, she just chuckled before sitting beside me and hugging me tightly.

"Oh Eviella, me and my husband had been watching over the two of you since you were both just babies, we saw how you both met and our Grandkids too. They're so cute." Mama Deonna said. I smiled and hugged her tight before breaking it.

"But why didn't you guys showed up?" I said while looking down, Mama Deonna lifted my chin with her delicate fingers before kissing me on the forehead.

"We were waiting for the right time, us watching both of you being okay was enough." She said, making me nod my head in response.

When my Husband introduced me to his parents when I was still a fairy, Mama Deonna and Papa Zagando really appreciated me and asked me to call them Mama and Papa which were the term Drayce would call them.

"Okay.. uh our friend.." I started but she shut me up before I could even continue my sentence.

"We will handle it, okay? You guys need to rest first." She said, making me nod slowly, since disobeying her is a sign of high Disrespect for demons, since they love their queen.

Just like what she said, I laid on the bed, she gave me a small smile before walking out and I just closed my eyes before drifting to sleep.


"Done cleaning?" I gulped when I heard the voice of the queen behind me, I immediately turned around while looking down.

"Yes, my queen." I said politely, I heard her footsteps clicking on the floor before it stopped and I can feel her sit on the couch beside me where I am standing.

"Your friends came here to save you, but dumb heads, they failed." She said which made my heart ache.

I heard her dark chuckle and her standing up from the couch, hearing her wings flapping softly towards me.

"Doesn't it hurt you, snowball? Your friends are now suffering in the cell, maybe.. regretting on saving you? Because of you they are suffering, isn't that amazing?" I heard her say while Chuckling. I shivered and just looked down with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

I hope they're okay..

Should they take Action sooner now? Or new Ideas about the story might appear in my mind, let's just see.

I hope you liked this Chapter, sorry for the long update. I used to update earlier, but that was because I always had the free time, but now I'm always busy. I hope you understand.

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