Chapter 22

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"Do you want an Ice cream?" Friollo asked Freya.

They are currently sitting on a chair while facing the sea, it is already morning with still a few people in the beach.

"Yes, but can I stay here?" Freya asked him with puppy eyes. Friollo chuckled before nodding his head, kissing on his favorite part of Freya's face, the forehead.

Friollo then walked away to buy two ice creams while Freya stayed there, sitting on the chair alone while admiring the waters in front of her.

But something suddenly caught her eyes, she saw a long orange tail pop out of the waters for a second which made her frown.

She continued looking at that part, hoping that it would again pop up but nothing came up.

She looked at her back and saw that Friollo was still nowhere to be found, that's when she stood up and went towards the place where she saw it, that place also had a lot of big rocks.

Since there was still just a few people, she didn't have to worry about anyone seeing her and doubting her.

She finally arrived there but she couldn't even see anything. She thought there was a long big fish and finally she can really see what sea fishes looks like in personal.

She turned around and was about to walk away when she heard someone calling, but since she was the only person there, she thought it was her.

She then turned around and what she saw, startled her.

There was a girl with long brown hair and orange tail, there were also colorful seaweeds stuck on her hair. Her chest was also covered with orange seaweeds. The girl was looking at her curiously.

"You don't look like a human, are you another creature? What creature are you? You have a beautiful snow figure." The girl asked curiously, her eyes were sparkling with curiosity.

Freya was startled after she heard what the girl said. She was confused as to how the girl saw through her appearance.

"I.. uh.. I.." Freya couldn't say anything. She didn't know what to say.

"A mermaid curious about my girl?" Freya heard Friollo's voice behind her and she Immediately turned around to see Friollo.

"Surely a mermaid could not lure a non-human, even a merman, so how did you get my girl here? And what are you plotting?" Friollo asked with a frown, walking towards Freya and hiding her behind him.

The mermaid let out a giggle before smiling sharply, she then played with her hair using her fingers before talking.

"Calm down, I'm already full. besides, we only eat humans and sea animals, no need to worry. Was just curious about her, that's it." The mermaid said with a different accent.

"You're not Hawaiian, how are you here then?" Friollo asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions? I just want to explore the rest of the waters. Well, obviously you don't like my presence, then I shall continue my adventure." The mermaid said before quietly, swimming away.

"What's a mermaid and a merman?" Freya asked and Friollo just sighed before pulling her away from the sea.

"Mermaids eat human boys or men, and Mermen eats human girls and women. That's all you need to know about them, I don't like them even though there are only a few of them, they are one of the rarest creatures in all non-human creatures." Friollo answered with a frown, showing his displease towards the girl.

"Sorry, I saw an orange tail and just thought it was a long big goldfish. I never seen something like that before." Freya explained guiltily, making Friollo sigh.

"Just don't do something like that next time, call me or go with me." Friollo said and Freya just nodded obediently. Friollo smiled a little, caressing Freya's hand he was holding with his thumb.

"Here is the Ice cream, I decided to buy a whole box of it since it's more plenty than the Ice scream on the cone." Friollo said, Freya nodded with a smile before clapping her hands excitedly.

Friollo smiled at her Childish behavior before opening the Ice cream and taking out a cup before putting an Ice scream on it.

They enjoyed their last day in the beach with eating the Ice cream and swimming, playing on the sand and more since it is their last day before they go back to the dragon realm.

"Is everything packed yet?" Freya asked, walking out of the Bathroom with only a robe and a towel on top of her head.

Friollo turned around to look at her, only to stand still. He blinked his eyes many times before shaking his head.

"Yet, I mean yes." Friollo said before turning his back towards Freya and zipping up the suitcase. Freya was confused by how he acted but she just shrugged her shoulders, hoping that Friollo is okay.

A few moments later, they were already on their car, driving towards a place with no people.

When they arrived, Friollo Immediately mind-linked Evera to open up the Portal in their location and a portal appeared in front of the car.

Friollo thanked her and drove the car inside the portal, as soon as it got inside the portal, they arrived in the backyard of the castle. Friollo then Immediately got out.

"King Friollo, welcome back. Mrs. Evera is currently inside the Main living room with the others. They are currently waiting for the both of you." One of Friollo's trusted servant greeted politely.

Friollo nodded at him before turning to the other side, opening Freya's side of the door. Freya got out with a smile.

"Please continue your work, me and my girl can head there on our own." Friollo said kindly before taking Freya's hand and walking with her inside the Castle and heading towards the Main living room.

When the two guards saw him outside the living room, they bowed at him before opening the door.

Inside, Friollo and Freya saw Evera, Drayce, Nixon, Lake, Logan, Morwanna, and with a girl who Friollo remembered was called Lorena. 'I think she was introduced as Lake's mate.' he thought to himself.

"Friollo, you're finally back. So how was it?" Evera was the first to speak, got up and walk towards Friollo before hugging him and also hugging Freya next.

"It was good, Freya also had fun. didn't you you, love?" Friollo asked Freya sweetly, making her giggle.

"Yes! Friollo even taught me how to swim even though I still don't know how to float because I always cause us to fall down the waters, sometimes, Friollo's face would fall first and he would end up coughing." Freya explained childishly, making not just Evera but also a few inside the living room chuckle.

Friollo stared at Freya unbelievably before sighing, because all she said was true even though the last sentence was kinda embarrassing.

"Okay, okay. Enough talking about our Vacation. I think we need to plan the positions of every kings in the dragon realm after the coronation." Friollo said, looking at Logan, Drayce, Nixon and Lake.

"Good idea, now us girls will help Freya find a dress. Tata!" Evera said before holding hands with the other girls including Freya and disappearing.

"I didn't even get a kiss from my wife, they are in such a hurry." Drayce said with a big pout, looking like an upset kid who lost his teddy.

"I feel you, bro." Friollo said, shaking his head. The rest of the guys agreed, except Nixon because he already lost his mate a long time ago, he wasn't upset, instead he felt numb in his heart, thinking of how it happened.

"Now, now. I think Nixon is getting emotional, let's start the business." Lake said urgently, feeling the pain from Nixon. The others Immediately agreed since they knew why he was being like that.

I also want to write Nixon's story but I don't want to make my Stars cry like what happened when ya'll thought Lake was gone for good.

Well, If you want me to write his own story, you can always ask me. I'll be honored to give you guys tears to full your buckets with.

Well, thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you guys liked it!

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