Chapter 10

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The Demon queen got out of Evera's room and looked at her husband who had been waiting for her.

"What happened there?" He asked, walking towards her.

"We need to save their friend." The queen said, making the king frown.

"She is a winter dragon. We will die as long as the fairies have her necklace. Believe me, I do want to save her too, but we are weaker compared to the necklace, especially now that the fairy queen is holding onto it." The king said with a frown.

"We will still die, Zagando! The fairies will still hunt us down! They are much more powerful now, and the longer it gets, the longer their power would get stronger! Shouldn't we take action now!? Even if we die, we die for justice and peace for the Immortals and Supernatural people! You can't be this selfish!" The queen said, lava pouring from her eyes one by one while her body was smoking.

"Ho-honey, stop. You're smoking, you'll make the others feel hot. We have mortal people here, you'll burn them."

"Isn't that what you are? Selfish? You don't even care about the other Immortals, but you don't want anyone here to die? Are you hearing yourself Zagando!? When you don't want someone to die, you need to do it fairly. You're a demon for devilsake! You take the souls of Sinful people who are not forgiven by heaven, if we take the magic of the fairy queen, she will turn into Ashes and we can imprison her Soul because she is Sinful, especially that she is not the heaven god's daughter! Can't we just try to do that!?" The Queen shouted.

"Yes, yes, honey. Just please calm down, okay? We will, we will save everyone." The king said before hugging his wife tightly.

"I am sorry, I caused you all this.." both the queen stared at the Fairy Goddess in shock.

"A goddess? In hell?" The king asked, smokes started to appear around him.

"I mean no harm. But I'm sorry for intruding your territory, you do need to take her soul, it is too Sinful, and I can't accept her anymore once she dies. It is against my power to remove too many sins from her soul." The Goddess said with a gentle voice.

The king looked at his wife and Deonna just nodded. Then the smokes around the king disappeared.

"You really are letting us take your daughter's soul?" The queen asked, holding her husband's arm tightly.

"Yes, Her sins is too many to be cleaned by my power. My jar of her sins is full." The Goddess said before disappearing.

The King sighed before nodding, making his wife smile a little. They then headed out to make the Plan.



I opened my eyes and saw that I was inside something that I don't even know, but the ground is slippery and glassy, I think i'm inside of a diamond.

Suddenly words started to scribble themselves in-front of me.

"Beware for those who hides in nature,
Help from them might make everything better,"

What was the meaning of that? then another note appeared at my side.

"For they have power to rule over weather,
Icy glazes and snowy storms,
Pointy ears but they are no fairy."

Huh? This is so confusing. Then another one appeared at my back and I turned around to read it.

"The man who they met in the earthly wild,
To find the one that they shall find,
Knows the pathway, of the nature they hide."

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