Chapter 28

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I went to find Friollo after talking with Tiana and Dallas. I better stay away from those two, I'm weirded out. I then saw him talking with Lake.

"There you are." I said and ran towards Friollo before hugging him.

"Hun, what's wrong? Weren't you talking with Tiana?" Friollo asked, wrapping his left arm around Freya.

"Not anymore, I think she wants to be alone with Dallas. They can be good friends. She even said a lot about herself to him. " Freya said with a smile.

"My sister with Dallas? A guy? That's impossible. I would rather believe the sky is falling than believing my sister is actually talking to a boy." Lake said in disbelief making Freya roll her eyes.

"See it for your self." Freya said before smiling. Lake sighed before walking away, heading towards Tiana's direction.

"Is she really talking to Dallas?" Friollo asked curiously and Freya nodded in response. Because even Friollo knows that Tiana nevers talks with boys close to her age because she was always worried her future mate might get jealous.

"Yup. Say, is she really not close to any boys?" Freya asked.

"Well, she's close with Blaze and Blade but only them. She treats them like her little brothers after all." Friollo said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I see. I guess this is a surprise for all of you?" Freya asked and Friollo nodded at her before kissing her forehead.

"Why not we enjoy the party with just the two of us, now?" Friollo asked her and Freya nodded in agreement.

"I think it's time for the slow dance." Freya said. Friollo smiled before leading her towards the place where the music is coming from.

Friollo gave the person responsible for the music a nod and then the slow music started.

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with you, beautiful?" Friollo asked with a grin, extending his hand for Freya to take.

"It will be my pleasure, handsome." Freya answered with a dazzling smile before taking Friollo's hand in hers.

Friollo then led her to the middle before placing both of his hands on either sides of Freya's waist before following the rhythm of the music.

"Where did you learn to dance? I'm amazed." Friollo said before smiling sweetly.

"I don't know, I'm just following your steps and the rhythm of the music." Freya answered while shrugging her shoulders.

"You're a fast learner, I see." Friollo said before leaning closer to her. "I'm proud to be your man, love." Friollo added, making her heart pound very fast.

"I can hear your heart beating." Friollo said with a chuckle before moving away a little and turning her around.

"Why wouldn't I? You said that close to my ear." Freya said, her face turning red.

"Tiana! Freya said—" Lake stopped on his tracks as soon as he saw his sister who is indeed talking with Dallas.

He blinked a few times before rubbing his eyes, but the Tiana who was talking with Dallas is still there.

"I must be dreaming." He said before pinching his own cheek, only to end up caressing it after feeling the pain.

"Damn it. Tiana!" Lake said before running towards her sister.

"Tiana, am I seeing things? Are you really talking to a guy?" Lake asked in disbelief, Tiana glanced at him before shrugging her shoulders.

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