Chapter 24

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Freya couldn't move, she didn't know what to do. She doesn't even know what's happening.

Suddenly, the former dragon queen looked at her and gave her a wide smile.

"So you're the new queen, huh? You really have the guts on stealing my kingdom." The former queen said with a cold glint in her eyes.

"What do you mean? I was really crowned for this!" Freya said, shaking her head.

"You dare shout at me?" The former queen snapped, raised her hand and attack Freya with ice.

Freya flew backwards and fell to the ground with a thud, she groaned in pain when she felt the pain on her ribs.

"You're so weak. I don't know why they wanted a weak queen." She said with disdain in her tone.

Freya looked down as tears fell from her eyes. 'She's right, I'm weak..' Freya said wiping every tears that would drop.

"Do you just want me to kill you there? Not even putting a fight? How pitiful." The former queen asked. Memories started to play in Freya's head.

She started to remember the time when she cured some of the humans who were affected by her snow.

She remembered how many people accepted her even if she's not human. But she did save their love ones.

She remembered the time when Friollo and the others joined her to find her necklace.

She remembered the time she fought Blaze's powers and saved Blaze from being devoured.

She looked around the people and saw the others' worried faces. Finally she saw Friollo who was nodding at her.

"You're strong, snowflake. You can do it." Friollo mind-linked her.

She smiled with tears falling from her eyes before nodding and standing up.

"Hm? So you wanna fight until I beat your weak ass?" The former queen asked with a smirk.

"Weak or not, I have my people to protect. Especially from the likes of you. If I'm weak, then I'll fight as long as my heart is still beating and the people around me is supporting me. So just see for your self how weak I am." Freya said, staring directly back at her.

"You have guts!" The former queen snapped before attacking Freya again, but this time Freya dodged the attack.

"I can't believe you dodged that, but face this one." She said, attacking her with a big sharp ice.

Freya wanted to dodge this time too but there were people behind her, she just raised her hands instead and let out a snow, covering her hands and it suddenly glowed.

The sharp eyes collided with her hands and what happened next stunned the former queen of dragons.

Instead of the sharp ice blowing away or Freya getting injured, she instead consumed the whole of it.

"How is this possible!? Why do you have such power like that?" She shouted. Freya was also stunned and looker at her hands.

She only wanted to shield her hand to hold the ice but didn't think she could really consume it whole.

"I'll kill you!" The former queen shouted and lunched another attack towards Freya, but she just kept on consuming it all.

"Freya, darling. I can't hold the power any longer. After you consume enough of it, you must let it go to attack the bitch." She heard Flykra's voice, the dragon she never thought she would hear ever again. When she heard her voice, Freya was overjoyed.

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